Photo – courtesy of Bush Heritage.

Make Your Pledge To Protect The Bush

Independent not-for-profit Bush Heritage calls on the community to pledge their commitment to land and wildlife protection and conversation.

Sally Tabart
21st of January 2020

The last few months of devastating bushfires in Australia have brought the vital nature of conservation into public discourse. More than ever, each and every one of us must join the cause of protecting our vast and wild country, home to thousands of species of native plants and animals. For almost 30 years, Bush Heritage Australia has been entirely dedicated to this cause. And now, they’re asking us all to join them through their brilliant new initiative – My Bush Pledge.

Bush Heritage Australia was founded in 1991 by Dr Bob Brown, who used his prize money from winning the inaugural ‘Green Nobel’ (Goldman Environmental) Prize, as a deposit on two forested properties that adjoined a Tasmanian Wilderness World Heritage Site, saving them from being woodchipped. Today, the independent non-profit helps protect 11.3 million hectares –home to 6,359 species, 243 of which are endangered – through its privately-owned reserves and Aboriginal partnerships across Australia

From buying land to ensure the survival of all its native flora and fauna, to working directly with Aboriginal custodians to manage the land according to traditional knowledge, Bush Heritage is dedicated to protecting our irreplaceable landscapes and native species. In the new My Bush Pledge campaign, Bush Heritage asks members of the community to support the cause by making a commitment, whilst reflecting on personal connections to the natural world.

You can make your Bush Pledge in a number of different ways on the My Bush Pledge website – by donating to Bush Heritage, learning more about the organisation, or sharing with friends and family about the organisation’s vital mission using the hashtag #mybushpledge.

Check out the incredible video below, which goes some way to describe the vital work Bush Heritage does – for us, this quote really sums it all up:

‘But it needs us now, this wide brown land, for there are only so many threats it can withstand’

If you care about protecting Australian land and wildlife, make your Bush Pledge today at the My Bush Pledge website, and spread the message using the #mybushpledge hashtag.

This Story is Supported by Bush Heritage Australia

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