Photo – Andrew Curtis

Step Into Artist Christopher Langton’s Wonderfully Wacky World at ‘Colony’

Pop sculptor and installation artist Christopher Langton presents his first solo exhibition since 2011.

Amelia Barnes
4th of September 2019

The outlandish work of large-scale pop sculptor and installation artist Christopher Langton is on display now in a new exhibition, Colony.

This exhibition is the Melbourne-based artist’s first solo show since 2011, occupying the entirety of Melbourne’s Tolarno Galleries until September 21. 

The 39 individual sculptures and two mechanoid (robot) figures on display form a creative galaxy of asteroids and meteorites, as well as organisms in the shape of viruses, bacteria and fungi. The gallery likens the setting to entering a ‘contaminated cyberspace, the zone of a video game or that of a B-grade horror movie.’ 

Christopher spent two years assembling, drawing, designing, 3D printing and hand painting the pieces in this exhibition. In a world-first, Tolarno Galleries has partnered with augmented reality developers ZOME to make the exhibition an interactive, enhanced experience. In ZOME, users can discover more about 20 of the ‘viruses’ on display and information about the artist. Tolarno Galleries says Colony  ‘might be your worst germophobic nightmare, or the realisation of an Elon Musk-like space travel escape dream.’

Two of Christopher’s other works in his mechanoid series are currently on display at MONA, and several of his sculptures make up the Lyon Housemuseum collection in Melbourne. His work is zany and fascinating while often provoking unease. 

August 24th to September 21st
Tolarno Galleries
Level 4, 104 Exhibition Street
Melbourne, Victoria

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