
MANY MANY · House Wear 2

Lucy Feagins
Lucy Feagins
20th of March 2014
HOUSE WEAR 2, the self-published title by Rachel Elliot-Jones and Stephanie Poole of MANY MANY.
HOUSE WEAR 2, the self-published title by Rachel Elliot-Jones and Stephanie Poole of MANY MANY.
HOUSE WEAR 2, the self-published title by Rachel Elliot-Jones and Stephanie Poole of MANY MANY.
It’s not every day you meet your future creative collaborator through a mutual friend at an airport on your way to a music festival, but this is exactly what happened to Rachel Elliot-Jones and Stephanie Poole. Forming an instant friendship, the pair launched their collaborative project MANY MANY in 2011, a multi-disciplinary practice that curates art, design, and architectural events, and publishes their very own independent publication, HOUSE WEAR. Bringing together their varied backgrounds in architecture, law and publishing, HOUSE WEAR is an entirely self-produced and funded passion project by Rachel and Stephanie. Their first issue was published in 2011, and their long awaited follow up issue launched a few months ago. HOUSE WEAR 2 explores themes of nomadic life, survival, skill-sharing. 'We wanted to create a curated publication, with original content addressing a specific theme' says Rachel and Stephanie. 'We felt the subject of the nomadic condition is worthy of exploration, we wanted to create a dialogue about this topic through different mediums'.  A varied group of artists, designers and writers from across the globe have responded to this brief in a variety of ways, tackling questions such as - what helps to create an environment of homeliness, and in an increasingly  digital age, are we feeling more or less connected to a sense of place? As with all their joint projects, HOUSE WEAR 2 has been mapped out fastidiously by Rachel and Stephanie - from initial concept, to cold emailing their dream contributors, workshopping and editing content, then undertaking the mammoth task of designing, printing and distributing this little A5 bundle of joy, all while maintaining their full-time jobs here in Melbourne. So, what's next for this industrious duo!?  'We'd like to work on some product design and development... we'd also like to work on an artistic project overseas – perhaps in Japan!' say Stephanie and Rachel.  'We intend to produce further issues of HOUSE WEAR until we have stretched the idea as far as we feel it can go – and then we might create a publication about something else!' HOUSE WEAR 2 is priced at AU$20, and can be purchased in Rachel and Stephanie's online store here.
HOUSE WEAR 2, the self-published title by Rachel Elliot-Jones and Stephanie Poole of MANY MANY.
HOUSE WEAR 2, the self-published title by Rachel Elliot-Jones and Stephanie Poole of MANY MANY.
HOUSE WEAR 2, the self-published in-house title by Rachel Elliot-Jones and Stephanie Poole of MANY MANY.

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