
Custom Wrecks

Lucy Feagins
Lucy Feagins
27th of August 2013
Custom Wrecked Holden HX Queensland based Scott Fuller.  Photo - Toby Scott.
Scott Fuller's workshop.  Photo - Toby Scott.
Custom Wrecked Holden HX Ute by Scott Fuller.  Photo - Toby Scott.
Custom Wrecked Ford Fairmont by Scott Fuller.  Photo - Toby Scott.
Scott Fuller of Custom Wrecks.  Photo - Toby Scott.
I have to say, even though it only comes around once a year, I put quite a lot of research into MAN WEEK.  In the months leading up to September, I find myself asking all the blokes I know for suggestions - hunting for anything cool or new which is creative yet legitimately 'MANLY'!   Today's feature came as an unlikely tip off from Melbourne photographer Derek Swalwell (thanks Derek!), and certainly ticks both those boxes.  It's a little left of field... we love that! Queensland based Scott Fuller worked as a car salesman for 12.5 years.  Currently he works in the mining industry, driving one of those gigantic mining trucks on night shift 7 days a week, followed by 7 days off. In the down time, he works on his Custom Wrecks - a hobby that has turned into an unexpected sideline business. Scott sources collectible model toy cars fresh out of the box, and custom wrecks them. He strips the paint, pulls them apart and carefully dents them with a hammer, adding authentic looking wear and tear, consistent with the way the same model car might look aged over time.  In most cases, he has no plan for how each model will come together, working quite intuitively for 6 - 10 hours on each one. 'The model lets you do what it intends' he says!  The resulting detail is so meticulous, Scott has even had eBay enquiries from people thinking they were actually life size working cars! Scott's unusual hobby came about, in a roundabout way, from his years in the car industry.  Whilst working as a car salesman, Scott had a custom model toy Holden Monaro on his windowsill, for kids to play with whilst Scott closed the deal with their parents!  Last year he found that same model car, all worn out and faded, and it sparked his imagination.  He liked the way it looked -  so reminiscent of what the actual car might look like if it were around and a little bit neglected today.  He thought it looked so much more interesting beaten and battered, compared to a model fresh out of the box.  So he gave it a little more character - and then listed it on eBay.  The first one sold for $90, so he decided to make some more! Though he's been tinkering with these model cars since December 2012, Custom Wrecks has officially been in operation as a busiess for the last 2 months. Scotts custom cars now sell for $200 - $300 each.  He sells them via his Facebook page (check out the photo albums on his FB page - amazing!), or alternatively, you can request a specific car model, and he will find it and custom wreck it!  Some of Scott's completed Custom Wrecks are also available from  Motorfocus Diecast Motors, a hobby shop in Brisbane.
Custom Wrecked Holden Sandman Panel Van by by Scott Fuller.  Photo - Toby Scott.
Custom Wrecked Holden HX on Scott's workbench.  Photo - Toby Scott.

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