
Teeth & Hair

Lucy Feagins
Lucy Feagins
23rd of January 2012
Teeth & Hair is a hair ornament blog - illustrated haircombs by Eirian Chapman

If you've reading this blog for a little while (thankyou, we love you) you will know that besides from coveting things which are beautiful, functional and well designed, we also have a particular penchant for things which are just a little bit 'bonkers'. :)   Projects which are slightly mad, random or otherwise left of centre always seems to grab our attention... and this cute illustration project by Melbourne based designer Eirian Chapman certainly falls into this territory!

Teeth & Hair is a hair ornament blog, where  Eirian uploads a brand new illustrated haircomb daily!  Whilst the subject matter is refreshingly random, the illustrations are super beautiful and very accomplished - highly detailed and layered with rich texture.  In fact many of these designs are so stunning, I wish someone would manufacture them!

Eirian says she was inspired to design a series of combs after a trip to the US last year, in which visits to various art galleries and museums in San Francisco, New York and New Orleans uncovered a fascination with ornamental combs and hair ornaments. 'Some combs were so incredibly old, made from real turtle shell and whale bone... but it was the art deco combs with their colours and geometric shapes that really inspired the project' says Eirian.

After she returned from her trip Eirian started designing combs that she would like to wear, and in November last year started uploading them daily onto Tumblr. She's aiming to produce around 100 combs and select the best for an exhibition later in the year.

Bonkers brilliant!

Teeth & Hair - a hair ornament blog featuring illustrated haircombs by Eirian Chapman

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