
Inspired Craft for Kids with Anna-Wili Highfield!

Lucy Feagins
Lucy Feagins
21st of February 2011

After seeing her stunning work last Friday, we are super lucky to have Anna-Wili Highfield with us all this week on the Guest Blog!  We're also very lucky to see something a little different from Anna-Wili - the crafty papery antics she gets up to with her daughter Matilda! This week she'll share some truly unique creations made with and for her little one - possibly the luckiest 4 yr old in Sydney? - Lucy x

Anna-Wili Highfield in her Sydney studio

My name is Anna-Wili Highfield. In the adult world I make sculptures of animals, mainly birds, from paper.

For my Design Files guest spot this week, my daughter and I are going to don our makers hats to show you some crafty fun we have had at home. These will be craft pieces I’ve come up with myself, and I will show you how you can make them with a small friend of your own.

Today, I will show you some little gifts I’ve made for her in the past. Some are a bit too elaborate to make together with a child. But I thought I’d show you.

This is the first paper piece I made. It was for my daughter. My methods have evolved, but a taste for the material began here. She wants an eagle now.

I make seasonal murals with the kids at Matilda’s kindy. I cut shapes and choose the elements in advance and then they help me to paint it and put the pieces together.

Some hand made apparel. The hat was for her to wear to our wedding. She gets it out regularly, in case a wedding comes up soon. It’s ‘the wedding hat’.

Pop back tomorrow for some very special butterfly wings!

- A.W

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