
Penelope Durston

Lucy Feagins
Lucy Feagins
8th of December 2010
The Fitzroy home of Penelope Durston
Pene's partner in crime - Jethro the cat.  Such a poser.
Who says I can't include an 'almost but not quite the same photo' of Pene's stunning tapestry wall...?  It was too hard to choose a favourite.
Pene's favourite framed 'cottage' embroidery, and collection of enamel tins!  Such insanely cute colourful-ness. It's like being transported into Frankie Magazine.
Nik naks never looked so good.

This is the Fitzroy home of craft queen Penelope Durston, who has created this beautiful cosy little pad above her fabulous Gertrude street shop, Cottage Industry.   I am particularly excited to share this very special Melbourne Home, because I have been waiting an AWFUL long time to post it!  I took these pics waaaaay back in JANUARY this year!  That is a very long time in blog years.

The reason that Ms Durston has been patiently waiting for nearly a YEAR to see her home on The Design Files, is that after discovering the fabulousness of her little nest, I was compelled to see her home in print!  Luckily the very talented John Laurie came to the party, and then the wonderful peeps at Inside Out graciously accepted the story... and so we have been waiting waiting waiting for the story to go to print so that I could finally share my shots with you here!

Unfortunately my shots are not a patch on Mr Laurie's - understandable I hope!?  Nevertheless the sheer crafty cleverness of Pene's beautiful little home outshines my questionable photographic skills... there is just so much to love about this place!

Pene has undertaken some serious DIY to get her place up to scratch - Despite being a renter, she has painted throughout, installed vintage pendant lighting both upstairs an in the downstairs shop, and even installed a functional kitchen (LOVE that pressed metal splashback!).  There really is nothing Pene won't tackle - she's certainly not afraid to roll up her sleeves and get her hands dirty.  Lucky landlord!

Huge thanks to Pene for sharing her beautiful little home with us, and for her amazing patience!  I hope you guys agree it was totally worth the wait... :)

ps)  If you haven't visited Pene's shop recently it is definitely time to pop back in - lots of locally crafted Christmas gifts and general gorgeousness to see and buy!  Say hello from me!

Cottage Industry 67 Gertrude St Fitzroy (03) 9419 2430 Extended Christmas hours - Open Monday to Saturday 11.00am - 6.00pm
Pene's Ikea sofa, covered in a mass of handcrafted patchwork!
Loungeroom details
Textile heaven
AMAZING teeny tiny kitchen, installed almost from scratch by Pene.  Pressed metal splashback - genius.
More kitchen goodness.  Including the Vanilla sponge Pene made for us on the day!  Mmmm. ALSO cumquats for chutney making! (Don't forget to enter the great Chutney Club Christmas  raffle if you haven't already!)
Kitchen nik nak awesomeness.
Bedroom details.  Pene's impressive quilt collection.
Artwork in the stairwell

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