
Sandra Eterovic

Lucy Feagins
Lucy Feagins
14th of September 2010
Fabulous plywood painted clocks by Sandra Eterovic!
Original artwork painted on timber by Sandra Eterovic (Also this image available as a giftcard).
Timber painted toys and sculptures by Sandra Eterovic

I received a super sweet email on the weekend from Melbourne artist and designer Sandra Eterovic, who attended Craft Victoria's Craft as a Career seminar in Melbourne recently.  I gave a little talk at the event this year (very chuffed to be included, thanks Craft Vic!), and Sandra sweetly wrote to thank me and let me know she had found some of my advice helpful in promoting her work :) Aww thanks Sandra!  That is so great to hear!

ANYWAY I feel that the thankyous should probably be the other way around, because since trawling Sandra's blog, Flickr, and Etsy, I feel I have made the most amazing new discovery...!  Isn't her work just beautiful!?  Sandra makes intricate little paintings, painted plywood toys and sculptures, gift cards, stickers and perhaps my favourite - kooky handpainted mirrors complete with cartoony moustaches and crazy hats that are sure to raise a smile!  I LOVE her beautiful naive painterly style and colour palette, but also, the brilliant sense of humour evident in each of her quirky characters!

Sandra lives in Richmond and amazingly, like so many other talented Melbourne peeps, she also has a day job!  Said day job is at gorgeous kids store Seed, where Sandra has worked for the past five years designing fabrics, t-shirts,bedlinen, greeting cards and (on special days) toys.

Sandra studied art history originally, but has recently realised that her biggest creative influence nowadays is actually her family's cultural background.  Her parents come from an island called Brac off the coast of Croatia, and a lot of Sandra's work references traditional folk art and household ephemera that she remembers seeing in Croatia when she was  a child.

POP ON OVER to Sandra's Blog and Etsy shop for many more beautiful things!

Amazing illustrated stickers by Sandra - you will kill me because they don't appear to be available on her Etsy shop anymore... :( But truly, how could I not include?
'Make Your Own Man' illustrated cubes by Sandra! Mix 'n Match from surfie dude, rockstar, money bags and vegie-growing family man.  Awesome. (and only $US25.00!)
My fave!  Sandra's painted mirrors...!  Oh the cuteness.  That's Sandra sporting a Fez, top right!

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