Contain Design Studio – Milk In Glass
Tackling the war on waste by bringing back the returnable 1L glass bottles of the past, this world-first, crowdfunded design encourages “drink, return, refill, repeat”. Ergonomic in form, it features an FSC recycled paper collar for essential information and incorporates brand glass mould of the dairy’s logo, eliminating non-recyclable labelling.
Champ Design – Puzzle Placements
This interactive tableware is manufactured in Melbourne from recycled tyres and new durable rubber, using low-emission techniques. Practical yet playful, the designs protect and prolong the life of surfaces.
The Better Packaging Co. – comPOST Packs
The rise of e-commerce has resulted in increased plastic postage packaging, which horrified the designers and compelled them to design a sustainable (yet fit-for-purpose) courier satchel. Certified home compostable as well as being partly made from renewable plants, their design, in seven sizes, is distinguishable in its bold, opaque black, with distinctive slogans like ‘I’m a Real Dirt Bag’.