
Rohan Anderson and family

Lucy Feagins
Lucy Feagins
2nd of November 2011
The Ballarat home of Rohan Anderson. Photo - Lucy Feagins.
Master Bedroom
Bedroom details - pics of the kids above the bed, and Rohan's manly boot collection!  Left photo by me, right photo by Rohan.

As most of you know by now, Rohan Anderson is a photographer turned food blogger, hunter and forager, vegie patch expert and all round old-school good guy.  His blog Whole Larder Love is one of the best in the business - well worth a visit and bookmark if it's not already on your list!   After being introduced to Rohan Anderson's epic foodie skillz (yes, with a z) when he graced our Guest Blog back in August, we thought you might like a little peek into his Ballarat home!

Rohan lives in Ballarat Central with partner Kim and kids Helena (6) and Tia (3).   When they first got their hands on it, the house was in need of a little love... so Rohan took 5 weeks off work to polish the floor boards, paint inside and out, and install a new stove and fireplace. This is a man who isn't afraid to get his hands dirty.  'I also went a bit crazy in the garden and converted the concrete yard into an urban food bowl'  he says.  And indeed it is.  When I visited a few weeks back the backyard was already looking super lush and bountiful (not a slug in sight) - and I'm sure it's even greener now. I must also attest to the fact that Mr Anderson has a garden no bigger than most city pads - what that man can grow in about 8 square metres is truly impressive.  Goes to show how productive even the smallest and most concretey of gardens can be!

As he documented in his Guest Blog a few months back, despite a long stint in Melbourne, Rohan has always been a country lad at heart.  He's pretty chuffed to be raising his young family with a strong connection to the great outdoors.  He says it's the good people and slower pace that he loves most about living here - 'Nature abounds within  such a short distance, there are plenty of places to go wild' he says - 'The kids love it'.

PowerHouse Books in Brooklyn NYC have commissioned a book from Rohan, based on his blog, which will come out next year.   I’ll be sure to keep you in the loop when it hits Australian shores!

Big thanks to Rohan and Kim for sharing their home, and to Rohan for making me a delectable lunch which did not involved snails or eels!

OH and for all the Rohan groupies (I know you're out there), you'll be excited to learn than I have roped the big man in for a little guest appearance in the kitchen at The Design Files Open House!   OMG.  Blog celebrity alert.  Stay tuned on that!

Suitcase collection in the bedroom - photo by me
Rohan's study - photo by me
Lounge room - photo by me
Rohan in the kitchen!
Where the magic happens!  This shot by Rohan.
Kitchen dresser - photo by me
Kids playroom - photo by me (green cushion, barely visible, by Aunty Cookie!)
Creative kids!  This pic by Rohan
Kids details - including cute Christmas tote bag by Aunty Cookie again (perfect stocking alternative!)
Boyish bits in the study - this pic by Rohan
Looking through loungeroom into study
Vintage First Aid kit in kitchen
Sweet garden details by Rohan
House exterior - shot by Rohan

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