New Guest Blog - Craft Victoria's Craft Hatch

Lucy Feagins
Lucy Feagins
11th of October 2010
First up on the guest blog today - stunning photographic collages by Melbourne-based artist Liesl Pfeffer.
THIS WEEK Jenny and I are very excited to welcome Craft Victoria to the guest blog!  Craft Victoria's Craft Hatch market happens in the Melbourne CBD once a month, and each time a new handful of crafters are carefully selected, ensuring no two Craft Hatch markets are ever the same! A little more intimate (and less exhausting!) than the usual craft fair, Craft Hatch is perfect for picking up a crafty find or taking home some creative inspiration... This week on the guest blog, Craft Victoria's Pip Caroll will introduce us to 5 very special crafters, all of whom are taking part in this month's Craft Hatch market on October 23rd! Regular Craft Hatch markets are held on the second Saturday of every month at the City Library (253 Flinders Lane, Melbourne - Level 1 gallery). Craft Hatch at The State Library of Victoria Experimedia, Ground Floor 328 Swanston Street, Melbourne (corner of Swanston and La Trobe Streets) October 23rd, 11am-4pm Visit the Guest Blog all this week for much more Craft Hatch gorgeousness!
Previous Craft Hatch finds!  M2Matiz lights and textiles by Michelle Holik.

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