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Small Business

TDF Small Business Summer School : Styling + Photography, With Heather Nette King

Lucy Feagins
Supported by Squarespace
Lucy Feagins
27th of January 2021

It’s time for Lesson #2 in our Small Business Summer School – our new series, designed to help you launch that burning business idea 2021, in partnership with  Squarespace.

If you tuned in to last week’s episode with Small Business consultant Fiona Killackey, you will have a great overview of what it takes to set your business goals, map out your first twelve months, and get ready to launch!

Now, you’re probably wondering how to present your product to the world. You’re going to need great photography to build your website and cultivate a strong online presence – and that’s where Heather Nette King come in! Heather is one of Australia’s most in-demand stylists, whose client list includes West Elm, Cult Design, Dulux, Myer, Fenton & Fenton, Bonnie & Neil, and many more incredible local and international brands.

In this lesson, Heather shares her top tips on styling and photography – offering six fantastic guidelines for how to capture your product or service in a way that will reflect your brand, and drive sales. After that, you’ll be able to create a new Squarespace website that really highlights these visual assets, and start to build some hype on social media!

So, watch the video, download the printable worksheet below, do your homework… and we’ll see you here this time next week for Lesson #3!

Squarespace is an easy-to-use website-building platform that provides entrepreneurs and small business owners with the tools they need to bring their creative ideas to life, online.

Head to for a free trial and when you’re ready to launch, use the offer code DESIGNFILES to save 10% off your first purchase of a website or domain.

Heather Nette King works her styling magic. Photos – Caitlin Mills. Photos – Amelia Stanwix.

When planning any photoshoot, always start with a moodboard. Photos – Amelia Stanwix.

Heather Nette King at work. Photos – Amelia Stanwix.

Download the ‘Styling & Photography’ Lesson #2 worksheet here.

Download the ‘Styling & Photography’ lesson #2 worksheet here.

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