
Julia and Adam Green and Family

Today we slip out of town for a visit to the relaxed Barwon Heads home of stylist, writer, and founder of Greenhouse Interiors, Julia Green, her husband Adam, and their sons Max (14) and Jesse (7).

The family made the move from bayside Melbourne to the surf coast 3 years ago, and haven’t looked back.


Lucy Feagins
Supported by Dulux

The Barwon Heads home of Julia Green, founder and director of Greenhouse Interiors, and family. Photo – Eve Wilson, Production – Lucy Feagins / The Design Files.

The outdoor deck is THE place to be at sunset (with a Corona in hand) according to the Greens. The ‘Unearthed’ wood stacker is another beautiful yet practical inclusion. Photo – Eve Wilson, Production – Lucy Feagins / The Design Files.

The lounge features cathedral wood-lined ceiling and an artwork over the mantle, ‘Tears Behind the Sunnies,’ by Ali McNabney Stevens. Photo – Eve Wilson, Production – Lucy Feagins / The Design Files.

Another shot of the lounge. ‘It’s a haven for all of us and where we congregate at night,’ says Julia. ‘We can see the stars outside and hear the roar of the ocean. It’s heaven!’ Photo – Eve Wilson, Production – Lucy Feagins / The Design Files.

The hub of the family home is the kitchen. Artwork by Ali McNabney Stevens. Styling – Lucy Feagins. Photo – Eve Wilson, Production – Lucy Feagins / The Design Files.

The splash back is a new install by Julia’s friends at Elegance Tiles. ‘Wherever I can, I shop locally, and this crew are fab!’ she says. Styling – Lucy Feagins. Photo – Eve Wilson, Production – Lucy Feagins / The Design Files.

Dining room, with artwork from Madeleine Stamer. Photo – Eve Wilson, Production – Lucy Feagins / The Design Files.

In the dining room an artwork from Madeleine Stamer sets the scene (left), and a print by Kirra Jamison (right) adds color. Photo – Eve Wilson, Production – Lucy Feagins / The Design Files.

The dreamy day-bed nook is most loved by the family’s dog Mr Wolf (with Julia a close second), and is surrounded by favourite artworks. Photo – Eve Wilson, Production – Lucy Feagins / The Design Files.

Cluster of sweet art works by (left) Leah Bartholomew, (bottom right) Anita Barrett, and (top right) Jai Vasicek. Photo – Eve Wilson, Production – Lucy Feagins / The Design Files.

Julia and Adam’s bedroom is separate to the rest of the house and has massive sliding doors that open to the outdoors. Bed by Jardan, linen by Society of Wanderers and cherished light over bed by Christopher Boots. Photo – Eve Wilson, Production – Lucy Feagins / The Design Files.

‘This room is full of my favourite things and is quiet in color and sound,’ says Julia. Photo – Eve Wilson, Production – Lucy Feagins / The Design Files.

The ‘easiest’ bathroom is all forgiving concrete. ‘Despite what people think, it’s cool in summer and has a warmth in winter,’ tells Julia. Photo – Eve Wilson, Production – Lucy Feagins / The Design Files.

‘Max’s room is a typical teenage hangout, full of surf boards and golf clubs, pizza Shapes packets under the bed, and dirty socks… but I have learned to live with it. Sort of!’ admits Julia. Photo – Eve Wilson, Production – Lucy Feagins / The Design Files.

Jesse’s room sums up his imagination. ‘He believes he lives in a forest with magical creatures,’ explains Julia. ‘I love listening to his stories, his brain is a creative engine 24/7.’ Photo – Eve Wilson, Production – Lucy Feagins / The Design Files.

The Green’s outdoor area is lived-in year round. ‘We have a motorised black and white awning that saves us on the hot days!’ says Julia. ‘And the beautiful aqua tiles of the pool make the whole space feel fresh and cool.’ Photo – Eve Wilson, Production – Lucy Feagins / The Design Files.

Lucy Feagins
14th of March 2017

Melbourne interior stylist, writer and TV presenter Julia Green is living proof of the power of ‘manifestation‘. (Yes, I really do believe in that stuff!). An eternal optimist and fearless go-getter, Julia left behind a long and successful career in the pharmaceutical industry eight years ago to follow her passion for interiors, art and design. The success she has carved out since then, in what is an incredibly competitive field, is testament to Julia’s infectious enthusiasm, boundless energy and just sheer work ethic.

That same passion, and cheerful embrace of change is what has landed the Green family here, to their dream home in Barwon Heads. They made the move from bayside Melbourne three years ago, and haven’t looked back.

Julia’s first encounter with this home was around six years ago, during a photoshoot for a magazine. She was instantly drawn to the unique energy of this property – nestled unusually within the grounds of a picture-perfect beachside golf course, this home is a sanctuary in the truest sense of the word.

‘It was a new build, and an owner-build… James, the previous owner, was a concreter, and did the most beautiful job of building the home. He took no short cuts.’ Julia recalls. ‘It was lived in by a beautiful family and we felt it had a great aura. We still do.’

Though she was instantly smitten by the place, it was a few years before the stars aligned, allowing Julia and Adam the opportunity to purchase this home. ‘Fast forward three years later, and I was on set with an assistant from Barwon Heads who told me the house I had loved all of those years ago was on the market’ Julia recalls. ‘I nearly fainted.’ With one child starting school and the other starting year seven, the time felt right for the Green family to make a clean start.

For all the joy and clarity it brings, being based out of town hasn’t been without its challenges for Julia. ‘Initially, I made the decision to say no to a lot of work and stay home… which hasn’t really worked’ she confesses. But in the end, Julia has found balance in the quality of the time she has here. ‘It doesn’t matter, as when I am home, I am fully present’ the stylist says.

When I am home, I am fully present.’

The house itself is a long, rambling property, with four bedrooms, separate chill-out zones for the kids, and enough space for Julia to run the ‘business’ side of her business from home. She no longer has a HQ in Melbourne, instead choosing to base herself here when not shooting, supported by key staff who work remotely.

‘I love how quiet and peaceful it is’ Julia says. ‘I love being surrounded by nature; the sound of the ocean, and not being around people. I am around people all day long, and lead a busy life full of work pressures. While I secretly thrive on this, I find my environment is what helps flick the switch to off when I need it’.

Of course, aside from the idyllic surrounds, striking materials palette and that  pool (!), this house inevitably showcases Julia’s passion for many of the artists and makers she represents through her agency, Greenhouse Interiors. There are colour accents everywhere with artwork, lots of greenery and Julia’s signature eclectic, bohemian details throughout. ‘Given I am the only girl, I have added the ‘frills’ that only I appreciate’ she laughs. ‘All the boys care about is the surf, golf, and what’s in the fridge to eat!’

Julia Green with son Jesse and labradoodle Mr Wolf in their Barwon Heads home. Photo – Eve Wilson, Production – Lucy Feagins / The Design Files.

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