Colima Ceviche is a dry-style ceviche and I had never tried until our head chef at Hotel Jesus, Yasser Garcia, introduced it to me. My association with ceviches had mainly been from sitting on the beach eating them out of a plastic bag! White fish, pico de gallo and lime juice, these ceviche’s had so much liquid that you’d be drinking them at the end.
Instead, the Colima Ceviche does not sit in any liquid, and the fish is minced before being marinated with ingredients that are similar to a typical Mexican ceviche.
I have to say, I’m totally converted. This Colima version is a super fresh tasting dish that is in no way overpowered by the lime juice like some other ceviches. Draining the liquid also ensures that the fish is cured to it’s optimum point and doesn’t keep cooking in the juices.
Served up on some dehydrated tostadas, to me, this is another example of simple, fresh Mexican food done incredibly well.