Four&Sons Journal

Lucy Feagins
Lucy Feagins
9th of April 2013
Four&Sons first print edition!  Photo - Ralph Alfonso, design and production - Studio Matador.
Excerpts from Four&Sons first print edition.  Photo - Ralph Alfonso, design and production - Studio Matador.
Excerpts from Four&Sons first print edition.  Photo - Ralph Alfonso, design and production - Studio Matador.
Excerpts from Four&Sons first print edition.  Photo - Ralph Alfonso, design and production - Studio Matador.
You might recall many moons ago we ran a little story about excellent online publication Four&Sons - a space where 'dogs and culture collide'!  This inspired project originally formed as a collaboration between dog lover / pet product designer Christina Teresinski of Best in Park, and Melbourne based graphic designer Marta Roca of Studio Matador, who has now taken on the ongoing role of editor-at-large. WELL - it gets better!  To mark their first anniversary this month, Four&Sons have further explored their love of canine culture with the launch of a truly beautiful print publication, known as The Four&Sons Journal.  It's out this week, and it's free! Now, even though I do not personally own a four-legged creature, The Four&Sons Journal is just so exceedingly well executed, that even as a non-pet owner I am an instant fan!  You simply have to give credit where credit is due for such a clever, engaging and thoughtfully produced publication.  It's clear just how deeply invested the editors and contributors are in this very special project - there really is such a spirit of genuine joy and curiosity here that one only sees in a true 'love job'! The Four&Sons journal has been created as a limited-edition souvenir of sorts. Within its pages you will find haunting imagery, artwork and interviews with creative dog lovers the world over, for whom creativity and canine companionship is inseparable.  This includes incredible work by celebrated photographers Nicolas Wilmouth and Andrew Pinkham, as well as dog-centric anecdotes from a global network of pet lovers including London based designer Abigail Ahern, Melbourne-born NYC based artist Josh Gurrie and his partner Samantha, Melbourne jeweller Julia deVille and local writer Max Olijnyk. We asked Four&Sons founder and editor-at-large, Marta of Studio Matador for a little insight into the development of Four&Sons, from online to print! -
Tell us a little bit about yourself – what did you study and what led you to what you're doing now?
I am actually a designer. I studied in Barcelona (where I was born) and London, specialising in typography. I cut my teeth working in great studios in London and Melbourne before setting up shop as StudioMatador. Editorial design has always been my passion, and I have slowly been nudging my way in. It's a tough gig to get projects in editorial, so I ended up founding Four Publishing to work on self-generated projects.
When did your fascination with all things canine begin, and what spurred you to launch Four&Sons?
A very happy accident. Christina Teresinski from Best in Park and I have wanted to collaborate on a 'love' project for a long time. Christina is crazy about dogs, and I was sucked in by the kooky, weird and wonderful bond between humans and dogs, and how it inspires people to create and how it breaks down barriers. The deeper I went, the harder I fell in love with it. The thought crept in - What would happen if dogs and culture collide? And then I couldn't put it down. We launched in 2011 and gave the website a facelift last month.
What prompted you to create a print edition of Four&Sons and how long has it been in development for? Who's behind it?
I just couldn't move away from print for too long. Over the last year and a half we have met so many artists/designers creating amazing 'dog-centric' work, it would have been sacrilegious not to give it more exposure! When we hit the one year anniversary, everything started to fall into place. We reached out to the artists and everyone was generous enough to trust us with their work. We also have a great pool of contributors crafting the words that supported the images.
Seriously, you have some very regal canine portraits in this print issue! How did you get them to sit still? Did you bribe them with Schmackos?!
We have asked the same question to most of the artists! The general consensus is to bribe them with treats, and to work around what the dogs feel comfortable doing. Some of the artists' work with their own pets too, which is pretty handy.
Your favourite breed of dog?
Dalmatian, for the black/white graphic factor, although lately I have been loving French Bulldogs.
How often will you create print editions of Four&Sons?
We would love to grow into a fully fleshed out magazine soon. For the meantime, twice a year sounds like a good deal. The Four&Sons Journal is free! Pick up a copy in Melbourne from CibiMetropolisAlpha60Uncle Rocco's Barber, in Sydney from IncuAlpha60SomedaysThe Standard StoreThe CommonsCleveland's Salon and Cafe and in Brisbane from The Outpost.   If you are in another city you can also order one online (which will cost you only $3.50 to cover shipping within Aus or $7.50 internationally).  
Four&Sons first print edition.  Photo - Ralph Alfonso, design and production - Studio Matador.
Four&Sons ready for distribution!  Photo - Ralph Alfonso, design and production - Studio Matador.

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