The World according to Brendan McKnight - Jumpers

Jenny Butler
Jenny Butler
25th of June 2012

This week we are SUPER EXCITED to welcome Brendan McKnight to the Guest Blog! You would know Brendan from his role as editor of Desktop Magazine (check out our interview with him here last year) - although he'll soon be moving on to a new role at Dumbo Feather!  This week he has the honour of being TDF's final ever GUEST BLOGGER, sharing some of his favourite things. - Jenny x

Photos - Sean Fennessy. Styling - Lucy Feagins / Brendan McKnight.

Hello TDF readers, and welcome to a week of me blogging about the things that I like. Let's start off with something quite fun and season appropriate (it sure is damn chilly out) - jumpers. I'll be the first to admit that buying clothes and choosing what to wear in the morning are just not things I enjoy doing. When I find something that seems to work, I tend to stick to it and repeat. And then repeat some more. At the moment I have one pair of shoes, one jacket and three pairs of trousers (all the same brand and size, just different colours). However, one thing I do enjoy for variety's sake are jumpers and socks - maybe a little too much. The picture above is only a small selection from my wardrobe (we tried to make the pile bigger, but it became a bit too much like Jenga), and below are some of my favourites.

Photos - Sean Fennessy. Styling - Lucy Feagins / Brendan McKnight.
Running clockwise from the top left:
Mr Vertical Stripes: I have permanently borrowed this jumper from my friend Petar. He lent it to me one day about two years ago because it was cold out (thanks Petar), and he has been kind enough for me to keep it on some kind of permanent loan situation. Out of all the jumpers in my collection, I probably wear this one the most.
Colourful aztec-esque: So where do all these jumpers come from? A whole range of places. I tend to prefer the thrill of finding a jumper in an op-shop rather than going to a vintage store, plus I really don't want to pay $50+ for a jumper that once belonged to Bill Cosby. My friend Alex has a pretty great collection too, and I often borrow jumpers from him. Itchy jumpers are just the worst, but sometimes, if the design is good enough, I am forced to commit the ultimate fashion crime (although I think they are becoming popular again?) and wear a long-sleeve tee underneath. Oh the shame.
Stars, stripes and zigzags: As with most of my jumpers, I'm not entirely sure where this one came from. I believe I picked it up from a charity shop when I was living in London. I hazily remember going out one drunken night and having my make-up artist friend Caitlin continue the pattern of the jumper onto the side of my face. That's probably as crazy as it gets for me these days.
Perfectly woven purple stripes: I used to be more into garish colours and crazy compositions, but a jumper with a simple colourway and handsome geometric pattern is mostly what I am on the hunt for nowadays. This jumper fits the brief perfectly.

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