Sonia Rentsch : Dictionary of a Still Life Stylist - Create

Jenny Butler
Jenny Butler
11th of May 2012

A huge THANK YOU to Sonia Rentsch for her fantastic Guest Blog this week- Lucy and I are so grateful for all the time and effort that went into creating this series! Be sure to bookmark both Sonia's blog and website, this lady is going to be SUPER famous. - Jenny x

cre·ate v

1. to bring somebody or something into existence 2. to produce something as a result, or make something happen 3. to use imagination to invent things or produce works of art

Image styled by Sonia Rentsch, photograph by Willem-Dirk du Toit

Some ideas, once they have actually come into being, seem incredibly obvious, even if they were genuinely difficult to generate.

For me, however, the most exciting ideas are about challenging the obvious conclusion, through a process of trial and error, discussion and evolution.  There are plenty of good ideas, but I’m always curious about what makes them great. To me – a successful still life idea is one that should translate to the viewer minus explanation and to an extent remain in your memory after it has passed.

A fruit tree, so simple and evocative, is beautiful in and of itself – but how do I make it more? In a world saturated with imagery, how do I ask people to look again? Not just at the objects but at some bigger story – not just the beauty of the fruit tree, but the exploratory mischief of Eve.

If you made it this far than thanks for sticking out the ride. Just so you know - I’m much funnier in real life.

The CREDITS with enormous thanks.

The photographer: Willem-Dirk du Toit The studio: Shoot Me Productions The re-touchers: Those guys upstairs The ideas curator: Eleanor Jackson The assistant: Aleksandra Nedeljkovic The Design Files And You.

Stay in touch yeah.

- Sonia x

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