Rachel Castle - Things To Do with Embroidery

Jenny Butler
Jenny Butler
25th of April 2012

Even though it's a public holiday in Australia today, Rachel Castle is still hard at work!! Today is all about the creation of her delightful embroidery pieces and the idea behind these unique artworks. I love how much music inspires Rachel's work - is there anything more cheerful than these sweet lyrics?! - Jenny x

I spend A LOT of my time these days doing commissions, around 70% of all the artworks, which is total madness! I remember as a little kid playing shops with my brother at my nannas house and always ALWAYS wanting to be a shopkeeper. The thing I love about online retailing is the constant communication with customers. It can be anything from someone not being able to find a product online to a client in Vienna wanting to commission a 1 metre x 1 metre embroidery of her favourite song. I love the constant talk and chatter with my clients via email... they are ALL, and I can honestly say ALL, just so lovely and positive and encouraging and generous.

Thing to do #1

Today I need to cut up 3 embroideries for clients and get them sewn this week, yikes will need to get a serious skittle on. I am a color hoarder. Here is one stash of felt and fabric and linen, shamefully there are many, this is the neatest.

I keep a little stack cut up for the letter embroideries, they are by far the most popular, and I am cutting them up and sewing them constantly.

From here we go to a little stack of the clients chosen colors. Then all cut up.

Then pinned and one already half sewn. Whilst I sewed I watched this interview with Margaret Whitlam, wait for the cracker at the end, the last few sentences, what a beautiful, stunning, inspiring woman and so so so lovable...

Thing to do #2

Will try to do a bit of this one below, so sorry to everyone waiting for new work, its always at the end of the queue! This is a biggie too, look at my feet to see the scale. I am pooped already.

Thing to do #3, #4, #5 etc.

So many ideas never any time to make them. So many, here are a few I will try to get around to.

Clockwise from top left: 1. Have been wanting to do this one forever.... each little tab of the star a different color. Cute. 2. This guy, Mad Men related even though I don't watch it, why don't I? I need to. 3. It's not enough to cut up spots of felt, the word 'polka dot' rocks as well. Love this. 4. I am in the Sydney Philharmonia Festival Choir and in one of our rehearsal spaces there is a poster for a concert called CHORAL POPS. I so love it, I do a lot of doodling at choir. I am going to make this one next week because that's how much I love choir. A lot a lot a lot.

Clockwise from top: 1. I love this one.... its Ornette Coleman, I will do his crazy little hair like the last embroidery portrait I did. 2. So many songs. I love them all. 3. Legend. The legend that is this amazing little green guy. Why Are There So Many Songs About Rainbows. It's too beautiful.

Remember the shot of Picasso at the window in his blue/white boater T? Where do I find the time to make these?

- Rachel x

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