NYC Intern - Meeting Confetti System

Jenny Butler
Jenny Butler
26th of March 2012

Today we welcome Natalie Turnbull as our Guest Blogger, and this week she is taking us to New York!! Lucy and I are really excited about this week because Nat is incredible. She is so motivated, very talented (check out her brand with friend Elise Wilken- WITU), she has a heart of gold and is SO cool. So cool/motivated/amazing that she organised herself a 2 week internship at both Confetti System and Fredericks and Mae! Nat will be sharing her experiences at these two incredible New York businesses over the next week and it is amazing! Thank you Nat for sharing this experience with us! - Jenny x

Inside the Confetti System studio in New York!

My first day as an intern for Confetti System really was SO amazing. Not because I was working on anything particularly great that day, but because I was standing in a studio that I had dreamt of, with two amazing designers, and of course, I was in one of the most amazing cities in the world, New York! I felt really, really lucky.

I had headed over there in an attempt to gain as much experience as possible during my year off from university. Usually people who write the guest blog are successful crafters/designers/makers, I am not yet there, but fingers crossed one day I’ll come up with something good! In the meantime, I hope that this week has some relevance to those readers out there who are still working their way up there, and doing fun things in the process.

Nick and Julie working on some of their designs

I found my adventure in the paper filled studio on the 11th floor of Confetti Systems' Chelsea studio. At the end of the week they told me that it had been one of the busier weeks of the year.  I’m glad,  because I was there late most nights, sometimes until midnight and one night they actually stayed all night until 8am, so to know that this wasn’t every week was a relief! They were working on a huge party for Mastercard in Texas (what a massive client!) which was I guess… Cactus themed. We made 3 metre high 3D cactuses as well as around 30 smaller (but still big!) cactuses to hang around the venue. We also made 30 huge Mastercards with silver fringing along the edges among garlands, pinata’s, table decorations and so the list goes on.

So yeah, like I said, pretty epic.

Giant cactuses in the works!

I learnt so much about hand crafting, as they make each and every single thing in their studio by hand. It’s so time consuming but it really does give the best results and I learnt so much patience, which of course is  always a good thing!

They were so, so lovely to me and as an intern they buy your lunch everyday, which was so ace because there was a Wholefoods around the corner and anyone who has been to America would know how amazing these huge organic supermarkets are. Australia needs one!

Enough from me today but more tomorrow.

- Nat x

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