
Lumiere Art + Co - Giveaway!

Lucy Feagins
Lucy Feagins
2nd of February 2012
Lovely cushions and prints by Emma Cleine of Lumiere Art + Co!  Photo - Armelle Habib.
Cushions and prints by Emma Cleine of Lumiere Art + Co!  Photos - Armelle Habib.

I have a sneaking suspicion that they slip some kind of creative potion into the waters of the Mornington Peninsula. From the lands of Sarah Dingwall, Goldnbrown, Claire Wayman, and Codename Tom; TDF presents newcomer Lumiere Art + Co!

This super stunning range of prints and homewares is the work of one talented lady, Emma Cleine.  Emma is trained in printmaking and sculpture - her cushions and artworks are printed by press, rather than screen, which ensures each item is unique.  Her current print series is named 'Mandala', and depicts layered vintage lace circles printed on Russian linen. So simple, but seriously gorgeous - and somehow calming, like the sacred circle which inspired them.  Plus, who could say no to a touch of pom pom fringing!

Lumiere Art + Co may be a young enterprise, but Emma has a seriously impressive list of stockists. Melbourne trendsetters Husk, Fenton & Fenton, and Turner and Lane have recognised Emma's beautiful work - now that’s a truly discerning bunch of Melbourne retailers!  Mornington readers can also find Emma’s work at Page 8 and White Nest (I cannot find links for these - correct me if I'm wrong!).  Small cushions (45cm x 45cm) retail for $132, and large (60cm x 60cm) for $165. Emma’s prints are also now available online at Otomy's Arthouse.

Emma has been super generous and offered a giveaway of her beautiful 'Sailors Knot' print for TDF readers, which retails for $300 unframed (76 x 56 cm). To be in the running, pop a comment on this post before 10.00pm this evening. The winner will be notified by email tomorrow!

*UPDATE - Congratulations to Helen (comment #243) whose name was drawn at random and has won the Lumiere Art + Co 'Sailors Knot' print. Thank you to everyone who left a comment and extra special thanks to Emma for this generous prize!

Giveaway - 'Sailor's Knot' - a limited edition print by Emma Cleine of Lumiere Art + Co!

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