
Jessica Tremp

Lucy Feagins
Lucy Feagins
3rd of January 2012
The Footrscray home of Jessica Tremp and partner Michael Madden.  Above - dining area, filled with rustic vintage furniture and op shop gold.  'The table we bought as a wedding gift for ourselves' says Jess. 'Something to share stories over, stain with wine and spill memories onto'.  All photos - Sean Fennessy.
Flowers displayed in milk bottles, hanging in an old bicycle basket.  All photos - Sean Fennessy.
Another favourite painting hangs above the bookcase in the loungeroom - Jess says 'I bought this pretty woman painting for myself on a day I was feeling blue. She makes me feel looked after.'  All photos - Sean Fennessy.

HAPPY Wednesday all!  Aren't you glad to see that Australian Homes are BACK!?  Thank goodness for that.  Imagine a Wednesday without a gorgeous new Australian home to drool over.  How sad that would be :)

ANYHOO we're kicking things off this week with what I would consider a typically kooky, eclectic, op-shop fabulous Melbourne home!  This sweet pad in Footscray belongs to photographic artist Jessica Tremp and her musician hubbie Michael Madden.  They live here with their distinguished dog Soda, an ex-racing greyhound (who is adorable but much less energetic that you might imagine a greyhound to be).

This creative couple have been here only 6 months, but have already put their stamp on their new surrounds.  They're renting, but nevertheless have made a concerted effort to spruce up their new place, even re-painting the whole interior. They're still getting used to their new neighbourhood after moving from the Northside, but are loving the generous proportions of their new home, with it's high ceilings, large rooms and huge green backyard (with trampoline!).  Jess says 'I love that I always feel relieved when I walk through the front door, it's a space that allows for being creative in'.  Michael says his favourite thing about the home is that Jess is in it.  Awwww!

Massive thanks to Jess and Michael for sharing their home with us - do share the love by taking a moment to check out Jessica's beautiful photographic work.  Her fine art photographs are here.  Her commercial stuff is here.  Much gorgeousness to discover.

Jess has a thing for taxidermy, and has collected many pieces over the years.  They're dotted throughout her home. This one is the most striking... I think because it's mounted so unnaturally on the wall?  Very eery but beautiful.
More with the taxidermy!  This wise owl watches Jess as she works at her desk!  The image on the computer screen is one of Jess's photographs from this recent series. The original watercolour of the jumping fox is by T. Grice. The man on the left is an old tin plate photograph.
Bedroom.  Jess wears extremely cute vintage shoes.  I wish my feet were small enough.
More with the vintage shoes.  Quite a collection!
Both Jessica and Michael love this painting in the hallway. 'We found him on a dumpster and call him the ‘sad man’ says Jess!
Bathroom details
Kitchen detail - isn't that colander an excellent colour?!
Soda the dog at the front door!
Fab backyard.  Swing - check.  Trampoline - check.
Love that trampoline!  They don't make 'em like they used to.

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