Beci's World - Vintage Treasures

Jenny Butler
Jenny Butler
10th of January 2012

Today we take a trip into Beci's World and get to enjoy some of her vintage finds and treasures! To see more of Beci and Raph's lovely home, be sure to pop over and see when Lucy visited in March 2010. - Jenny x

i'll say it loud and proud - i am a hoarder! there is a part of me which wishes i was a minimalists, but i'm just not. generally the best stuff i find is from opp-shops and digging at markets - one off treasures you happen upon and are not likely to find anywhere else. i also don't mind frequenting more expensive vintage stores where they have done the hunting for you.

so what do i like to buy? well pretty much anything that takes my fancy. i think paper goods are my number one thing. i keep most of them in a roughly organised state in my studio - lots of them in these drawers:

i have lots of old cards that used to come in cigarette packets too. the first time i found one was when i was in uni - i thought i'd happened upon such a treasure! i've gone on to find out they're actually pretty common, but i still think they are beautiful. i keep them with my old postcards and photos (in some appropriately vintage tins). i also collect (i think the collecting gene is side-by-side with the hoarding gene) sets of cards - i especially love old educational games and flashcards. stamps are another favourite.

being a textile designer by trade, i also have a few fabrics. one of my favourite pieces - a scarf for travelling, you'll never need to use that translator app on your iphone again!

...and another favourite find - an old kid's suitcase filled with handmade dolls clothes c.1965. i brought it from camberwell market when i was pregnant with ari, in the sneaky hope it would help me have a girl. it didn't, and probably just as well as i don't think i would have been able to part with it.

my latest obsessions are medicine cabinets (i have 6 so far) and weird decorative plates

i also use vintagte bits and pieces in my ever evolving inspirations walls. i dont only hoard vintage things for my studio, it's also around my house. i've found great kids linen in opp-shops - all the linen on the kids bed is from opp-shops. Also lots of knick-nack shelves, and in the kitchen.

and of course in the living room. vintage bits x arty bits x folky bits x kids art bits = pretty much my favourite decorating combination ever.

Illustration from Beci's new Book 'Compendium of Me' published by Erm Books (only $20!)

- beci

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