Kirra Jamison Loves Japan - Bus Stops and Bathhouses

Jenny Butler
Jenny Butler
24th of November 2011

A delightful day out and about with Kirra Jamison on the Guest Blog today!  From street-side gardens to the Tower of the Sun, we get a lovely insight into some of the day-to-day scenes in and around Tokyo. Thanks Kirra! - Jenny x

Ohayou gozaimasu Design Filers! Today I'm sharing another random selection of travel shots including some DIY bus stops, the best piece of public art I've ever seen along with some other treasures, arty and otherwise.

-Kirra x

Bus-stops in Kichijoji.

This amazing sight is artist Taro Okamotos Tower Of The Sun in the Expo ‘70 Commemorative Park just outside of Osaka.

Book and Work and exhibition by Masanao Hiryama at PANTALOON.

PANTALOON, in Osaka, is a multi disciplinary design studio and exhibition space. Within Pantaloon is the studio of artist Tomoko Soda. Under the name gogcod, Tomoko hand makes beautiful basket like objects entirely out of thread that she zigzg stiches over and over on this older Singer machine!

Hello Sandwich workshop at Shibaura House. Magical.

Naoshima island or ‘that art island in Japan’ is located in the Seto Inland Sea of Japan. It’s famous for the Benesse House complex and a slew contemporary art museums.

This is the exterior of "I ♥ Yu" a fully functional art installation and Japanese traditional public bath on Naoshima Island. "I ♥ Yu" is a collaborative project between artist Shinro Ohtake and design studio graf.

Works by Yukinori Maeda at the Yokohama Triennial 2011: Our Magic Hour. Yukinori is the founder of the AMAZING multi-media art and design project Cosmic Wonder. Light Source is Cosmic Wonder’s fashion project... it’s gorgeous and totally worth getting acquainted with.

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