
Kara Rosenlund

Lucy Feagins
Lucy Feagins
23rd of November 2011
The Brisbane home of stylist Kara Rosenlund and her partner Timothy.  Photo - Jason Starr
Incredible vintage details in the tiny but gorgeous loungeroom! Photos - Jason Starr

When someone is doing something creative and interesting pretty much anywhere in Australia I feel a certain sense of obligation to know about it.  So, in my usual late night internet surfing haze back in September I stumbled across this person called Kara Rosenlund (can't even remember how), and had one of those instant 'HOW ON EARTH DID I NOT KNOW ABOUT THIS PERSON BEFORE NOW?' moments.  (That happens more often than you'd think around here, I must admit).  Ah well, slow on the uptake but better late than never I guess!

Kara is one seriously multitalented creative - with a background in photography, Kara moved from Sydney to London in 2007, and found work as a props buyer and stylist.  Two years ago she returned home, settling in Brisbane, and has since been juggling styling contracts for cookbooks, magazines and events with her sweet side project - Travelling Wares!  Travelling Wares is the cutest caravan you ever did see, which Kara fills with beautiful antiques and vintage nik naks sourced from far and wide, setting up shop at various markets and temporary locations up North.  SUPER CUTE concept, and even cuter execution.  Love your work Kara!

Kara lives with her fiance Timothy (and a flock of happy Pekin Bantam chickens) in this sweet workers cottage in Nundah in Brisbane's inner Northern suburbs. How outstandingly cute is it!?  They've been here almost two years since leaving their much loved previous home in East London.

Interestingly, Kara and Timothy actually purchased their house whilst still living in the UK.  How do people do that!?  Amazing.  Within an hour of returning to Australia this creative pair had already set to work sprucing up their new home - Kara says they made  pitstop via the hardware store enroute from the airport! 'Nothing like a shock to the body to jolt the jet lag' she adds!

The pair have since gutted and redesigned the kitchen and bathroom, and are currently (like right now!) white washing the floors. 'These sorts of houses tend to be ongoing projects that are hungry for maintenance and endless weekend devotion' Kara says.  Hmmmm something tells me these two wouldn't be content with a finished project anyway!

When asked what she loves most about living here, Kara paints such a picture perfect image of her home and enviable Queensland lifestyle.   'I love the ease and casualness that comes with having a workers cottage in Queensland. The architecture lends itself to a certain way of life, where in any season you can bet that all the doors and windows will be open, the chickens will be roaming (usually under the neighbours mango tree) and a breeze wafting through.'
Massive thanks to Kara for sharing her stunning home with us, and to Jason Starr for allowing us to use his beautiful shots.  We're very excited to announce that Kara will assist us with some more Brisbane home stories for The Design Files in the new year... Queenslanders, we know we've been neglecting you a little, but we're thrilled to have Kara on the case to rectify that!

Do pop by and check out Kara's website and blog where you can see lots more of her beautiful work!  ALSO Queenslanders can catch Kara and her Travelling Wares pop-up this Saturday November 26th at the The Powerhouse Farmers Markets in New Farm.  Say hello from me!

Loungeroom details - Photo - Jason Starr
Love this kitchen!  Photo by Kara Rosenlund.
Kara in the kitchen!  Awww cuteness!  Photo - Jason Starr
Lovely linen cupboard.  Photo - Jason Starr
Shelves in the loungeroom.  Photo - Jason Starr
Home office.  Photo - Jason Starr
Bathroom.  Photo by Kara Rosenlund.
Beautiful hallway / bathroom / loungeroom details.  Photo - Jason Starr
Hallway.  Photo - Jason Starr
Vintage bike.  Photo - Jason Starr

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