The Trials and Triumphs of Shopping with Able and Game

Jenny Butler
Jenny Butler
19th of August 2011

It has been such an entertaining week with Able and Game's Trials and Triumphs of Life - a HUGE thank you to Anna and Gareth! Be sure to visit the Able and Game Etsy store and share the fun by giving their cards on every occasion. Also, congratulations to Claire who is the lucky winner of the Able and Game giveaway pack! Thanks again Anna and Gareth!! Happy weekend everyone! - Jenny x

In the last few months I have read news stories about how retail is dying, sitting alongside stories of Spanish fashion giants opening to huge lines and security guards like it is some boutique nightclub. I think in a few years shopping will become a competitive sport and Supermarket Sweep will be a demonstration sport at the Olympics.

It is a funny thing how products get into your brain.  Gareth and I once confused a shopkeeper by squealing with delight at a Roomba vacuum cleaner demonstration, yelling 'IT'S A PET!' between our squeals.

It is a skill one should be proud of when you manage to get all 15 supermarket bags from the boot to your house in one go.

Growing up on a farm we often did big supermarket shops, which took many hands to carry inside. Whenever I do a big shop I like to challenge myself to get all the bags into the house in one go. Sure your hands turn purple and the eggs might break when you have to put everything down, but that is a small price to pay to avoid going back to the car again.

It is okay to gripe about the price of food when you are in your early 20s.

Griping on the price of food isn't something to shy away from, even if you're in your early 20s. $7 for home brand feta cheese? I don't think so. I still remember my poor art school days when a fancy meal was a bread roll stuffed with Indomee ramen noodles. All five food groups were covered; sugary soy, oil, sesame seeds, salt and enough carbs to survive half a box of fruity lexia.

- Anna and Gareth x

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