Able and Game on the Guest Blog + giveaway!

Lucy Feagins
Lucy Feagins
15th of August 2011

On the Guest Blog this week Able and Game muse on 'The Trials and Triumphs of Life'!

Jenny and I are super excited to welcome Anna and Gareth of fab local stationery line Able and Game to the Guest Blog this week!   These guys are FREAKING HILARIOUS.  NO exaggeration!  Jenny and I have been chuckling for days at Anna's witty blog posts and brand new illustrations, created especially for us! Thanks Anna!

In case you didn't already KNOW (impossible), Anna and Gareth design and print a fantastic range of gift cards with quirky comic book appeal.  Never cliched or predictable, they feature Anna's hand drawn Napoleon Dynamite-esque characters, and home truths that never fail to raise a giggle.  I defy anyone to visit their Etsy shop without LOL-ing at least once!  (...And I might add, Father's day is only a couple of weeks away, people - hint hint!).

Pop over to the Guest Blog each day this week for a guaranteed chuckle as Able and Game muse on 'The Trials and Triumphs of Life'!   I love Anna's observation on shopping - 'Whenever I do a big shop I like to challenge myself to get all the bags into the house in one go. Sure your hands turn purple and the eggs might break when you have to put everything down, but that is a small price to pay to avoid going back to the car again'.  (Illustration above, complete with hands turning purple - priceless!)

ALSO Anna and Gareth have generously offered an Able and Game giveaway pack valued at $150.00 for one lucky reader!  Yippee!  It includes :

* Able and Game 2012 calendar * Able and Game tea towel * Able and Game mug * 15 hilarious cards [enough to last a year!]

To be in the running to win, simply leave a comment over on the Guest Blog anytime before 10.00pm Thursday!  A winner will be drawn at random and announced on Friday!

Huge thanks to Anna and Gareth for their fab guest blog and giveaway this week!  Do share the love by paying a visit to their website and blog! You can buy their cards on Etsy or visit them in person every weekend at the Rose st Artist Market in Melbourne.

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