Required Reading with Perimeter Books – Small Press

Jenny Butler
Jenny Butler
25th of July 2011

We are so excited to have Justine and Dan from Perimeter Books Guest Blogging with us all week! These two are independent book gurus [amongst many other things!] and have put together their 'Required Reading' list of their favorite titles across 5 different themes. They have also offered an ace giveaway - check out the details here and leave a comment before 10pm on Thursday! - Jenny x

Small press and small publishers are really what we’re about at Perimeter Books, and what better way to start our week of guest blogging than with a clutch of niceness that we’ve had the privilege of stumbling across?

Like, what’s more inspiring than a bunch of creative kids getting together, saving their pennies and publishing a book? Sweet nothing! What’s even more exciting is that small-scale, limited-run art publishing is undergoing a serious boom at present.  While Zurich masters Nieves have ruled the scene for several years (not to mention important contributions from Brooklyn upstarts Hassla, New York via San Francisco peoples Seems and several others), there are countless small publishers, especially in Melbourne, churning out some fascinating stuff. With the Risograph (a kind of glorified photocopier than can print high volumes at a low cost) the tool of choice for many, the kids are taking over! Enjoy…

This Is The Same Ocean

A stunning little Risograph photo magazine curated and produced by young, Melbourne-based Sam Davison and printed by Xavier at Dawn Press. Featuring young photographers from around the globe, This Is The Same Ocean is some serious niceness.

Layflat 02: Meta

One man band Layflat is a brilliant, experimental photography journal, offset printed on various paper stocks. Beautifully designed and finished, this Boston publication features Roe Etheridge among others.

Ingo Giezendanner – Baku & Back

Patrick Tsai & Coley Brown – Growing Up

Raffi Kalenderian – Memoranda

Memoranda is a stunning, melancholic series of paintings from Lost Angeles artist Raffi Kalenderian, and a brilliant example of what Nieves are good at. Capturing his friends and family in dense, lush detail, his works are poignantly and uncannily intimate, and though simply produced, this book is a stunning, tactile object.

Tim Lahan – Still Life with Sex Tape

More local Risograph action, this time by Rob Cordiner’s Smalltime Books. Bam!

Higher Arc #1

What do you know? Another Melbourne Risograph title! A happily odd mix of high-end magazine sensibilities and Riso rawness, featuring a heap of fancy-pants Melbourne artists, dudes and designers. Printed by Xavier at Dawn Press.

Jurg Lehni and Alex Rich Empty Words

How amazing is this? An incredible volume from Jurg Lehni and Alex Rich that consists only of a series of poetically phrased, drilled holes. Empty Words is a brilliant piece of creative publishing. From, you guessed it, Nieves.

Dig in!

- Perimeter x

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