New Guest Blog - Liane Rossler, Happy Shopper!

Lucy Feagins
Lucy Feagins
20th of June 2011
Liane Rossler is a Happy Shopper this week on the Guest Blog!

In case you haven't noticed, the lovely Liane Rossler has become a firm favourite around here!   We've interviewed her (a very long time ago!), we've seen her amazing Supercycling adventures, and we've even admired her beautiful Sydney home.  THIS WEEK we're lucky to have Liane join us on the Guest Blog one more time for something a little different... a HAPPY SHOPPER tour of Sydney!

'Happy Shopper?' I hear you ask.. 'what's that about'?!  Allow me to explain.

I am sure many of you will know that Liane is a passionate advocate for all things green, ethical and sustainable - but just between you and me, she's a teeny bit bored of these eco-buzzwords!  That's because Liane is driven by a more holistic idea of 'sustainability'.  For Liane, sustainable living is more about a way of thinking.  To quote a wonderful recent interview with Liane in the Carriageworks Creativity Moves publication - 'True Beauty exists when people create with a conscious mind'.   Couldn't have said it better myself.

SO this week on the Guest Blog, we're coining the phrase 'Happy Shopper'!  A Happy Shopper shops with a conscious mind,  in lovely local stores, curated by lovely local thoughtful people.  Many of the goods Liane highlights do have good green or ethical credentials... but mainly, the idea of being a 'Happy Shopper' is to simply be mindful of buying beautiful things that are produced with integrity, that have a story, and that are made to last and be treasured for a long time.   Because there's nothing more beautiful that that!

This week Liane takes us on a tour of her favourite spots in Sydney to indulge in a little 'Happy Shopping'!  I am already inspired by all her amazing discoveries... it truly does show that shopping ethically and thoughtfully need not be a compromise at all!

ps. we'd love to hear about your favourite shops in ANY city which fit the 'Happy Shopper' description... please comment on the Guest Blog this week and let us know!

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