Happy Shopper with Liane Rossler - The R.E.A.L Store and Pure & General

Jenny Butler
Jenny Butler
20th of June 2011

This week we welcome Liane Rossler back to the Guest Blog! You might remember when Liane was here with fellow Supercycler Sarah K a couple of months ago sharing a worldwide collection of great design that is also environmentally responsible. This week Liane focuses more locally, taking us on a tour of some of Sydney's best design stores with a thoughtful and ethical focus; a week full of guilt free shopping in style! - Jenny x

This week we visit stores in Sydney that tell a story. Stores run by lovely people selling lovely things that make the world a lovely place. - Liane x

The R.E.A.L Store

The R.E.A.L Store in Woollomooloo. Photos Lucy Feagins

The R.E.A.L Store is all about the ordinary and the extraordinary. Ordinary products with extraordinary messages. Ordinary people with extraordinary talent. Brands that are inspired and people who are passionate.

Everything in the store communicates a message, with the philosophy based on being a showcase for inspiring, social, ethical and sustainable design and living.

Beautiful products with a message at R.E.A.L Store.  Wasara paper tableware – truly stunning biodegradable vessels.  The Silver bangle reads ‘We are Made for Love’, it’s from the Hands That Shape Humanity project.  Photos Lucy Feagins

If you could leave one message for humanity, what would it be? Touching messages are stamped onto silver bangles for the Hands That Shape Humanity project.  A social enterprise committed to affecting positive change and inspiring human potential. 'We are made for love'.  This project also inspired the SEAT project, where a bamboo stool designed by a local CoFA student raises money for the Australian Literacy and Numeracy Foundation.

The R.E.A.L store carry exquisitely elegant Wasara paper tableware, which is almost too gorgeous to use. Made from reed, bamboo and sugarcane waste, it is the most beautiful disposable tableware imaginable.

Prison Blues clothing

Some of the clothing includes Prison Blues, which are made by men in prison in Oregon, USA. Fathers, sons and brothers that are interested in making amends for the choices that put them behind bars.  Jeans that are 'made to do hard time'.

Every product in the store carries a fascinating and inspiring story, with a percentage of sales going to  great causes.

The R.E.A.L Store 91 Bourke st Woolloomooloo Sydney 2011 NSW, Australia

ph.  02 8356 9993

Pure & General

Pure & General is full of goodness. Go on a collectors tour of the world, and find beautiful hand chosen pieces that each tell a story. Curated by material as well as use, the collections cross traditions and time. There are limited edition once in a lifetime finds, classic collectables, unexpected treasures, and traditional pieces that have been given a contemporary twist.

Handmade Brushes at Pure & General.  Photo – Rachel Kara

Handmade brushes from master craftsmen in Japan sit with Aboriginal weavings and baskets from Maningrida, and traditional straw pilgrim shoes that are worn when visiting Japanese shrines.

Japanese Timber mugs at Pure & General.  Photo – Rachel Kara

Japanese copper canisters.  Photo – Rachel Kara

I love the timeless simplicity of these hand carved Japanese mugs made from one piece of timber… and these handmade copper turned brass Japanese canisters.

Moroccan bowls and spoon made from Lemon tree timber.  Photos – Rachel Kara

These hand carved Moroccan wooden plates and bowls make the most beautiful still life and look so lovely even when they are not being used.

The Beldi 'Harira' soup spoons are made from lemon tree timber, which is a by-product of the citrus industry. The branches that no longer bear fruit are hand carved into these sculptural and useful utensils.

Glass and teak spice jars from Thailand.  Photo – Rachel Kara

Kitchenware such as these classic glass and teak spice jars made in Thailand sit on a huge farm table from Cardigan Bay in Wales. Beautiful quality pieces that will stand the test of time.

Collage kits from the USA.  Photo – Rachel Kara

There are also all sorts of do-it-yourself craft kits, such as the little collage packets from Virginia that have been collected from flea markets along the east coast of America.

Pom Pom Power at Pure & General!  Photos - Rachel Kara

Pom-pom power with these Moroccan wool blankets and mats that have been given a twist with zappy colours for Sydney.

Soon you'll be able to sit in the sun and enjoy using all the treasures when Pure and General open their cafe.

More on The Design Files by Lucy on her recent visit here.

Pure & General 114 Brougham st Potts Point NSW 2010 ph. (02) 9360 6060

- Liane x

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