New Guest Blog - Cooking from the Heart with Siobhan Curran!

Lucy Feagins
Lucy Feagins
11th of April 2011
Delectable gift-able treats from Siobhan Curran on the Guest Blog!

This week Jenny and I are super excited to welcome multi-tasking blogger and foodie Siobhan Curran to the Guest Blog!  You might know Siobhan from her many excellent blogs - The Novocastrian Files, Far Out Brussel Sprout and the very brilliant Cooking from the Heart.  (Instant bookmark material people!)  This week Siobhan will be sharing some of her favourite gift-able foodie treats with us!  She kicks off  today with some very special breakfast goodies... chocolate granola and whiskey marmalade!  "CHOCOLATE GRANOLA?" I hear you say? YES, indeed.  As Siobhan sweetly explains today, 'Given as a gift, you are basically telling your loved one “You are so amazing, you deserve chocolate for breakfast”.   HA! I love that!

As the week goes on Siobhan will share many more of her fave recipes including cinnamon almonds, coconut-coated marshmallows and ultra-decadent rocky-road!  Each treat is perfectly packaged for gift-giving... assuming you can bear to give them away!

HUGE thanks to Siobhan for her immense effort cooking and photographing each of these brand new recipes for her Guest Blog this week!  Sheesh what a task - especially with three other blogs to manage!  DO make sure you pop over each day to see what she's up to - Yum!

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