Jenny Butler
Jenny Butler
21st of March 2011

A HUGE welcome to the coolest kids of Adelaide, Daniel To and Emma Aiston! You might know them better as design duo DANIEL EMMA, super cute married couple, creative genius' and winners of the 2010 Bombay Sapphire Design Discovery Award!! This week we'll be getting a glimpse into how these two spend their time and what is coming up in the near future for DANIEL EMMA. - Jenny x

This is us……. On a boat!

Happy Monday everyone!  We are very excited to be guest blogging on The Design Files this week, and hope that over the next 5 days we can give you all a little insight into our lives and what we are up to at the moment.  We wanted to get the week started with a big bang, and announce our DANIEL EMMA Design Files reader’s giveaway!  We will be giving one lucky reader their choice of a DANIEL EMMA product from our D.E range to be announced on Friday.  All you have to do is leave a comment in the comments section over the next 4 days to be in the running, and we will pick a winner at random.  GOOD LUCK :)

Enough about that, let us introduce ourselves, we are Daniel and Emma, 2 designers from Adelaide, who run a small studio DANIEL EMMA (original!)  Today we thought it might be nice to give you an outline of what it is we do and where we do it! So here goes.....

We love to go for drives in the country, especially on Sunday’s.  It is always fun to take a packed lunch and our trusty Polaroid cameras.

This is our current collection of DE products that we have for sale. The objects are made in Australia and can be purchased from shops like Top3 in Sydney and Venn in Perth!

These are from our very first collection that we made when we were living in London, seems so long ago!

We studied Industrial Design at the University of South Australia; this is where we met, as well as our other good/odd friends.  This is a portrait drawn by our talented friend Eric Foenander.

We lived in London for two years, parks were one of favorite places to sit and discuss design. This one is of Regents Park; our other favourite is Hampstead Heath.

Semaphore is one of the reasons we decided to stay in Adelaide.  We bought our house right around the corner from here and go to the beach at least 2 times a week to clear our minds and eat icecream.

Frankie!  The only other member of Daniel Emma (Guard Dog / comic relief)

- Daniel + Emma x

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