A boy named Moofus - Beaches

Jenny Butler
Jenny Butler
3rd of March 2011

I could spent weeks writing about how impressed and in awe I am of Milan Rodriguez [aka Moofus!] being only 13 years old and having achieved SO much. One thing you must do is visit Milan's website, The Pencil Pirate and see more of his illustrations, sketches and read his blog! I particularly liked the sketch of Gene Hunt. - Jenny x

Last year, I got my scuba diving certificate which is something I have wanted to do for years since I was little and used to put my dad's wetsuit on and pretend to be diving. Dad and I go at the weekends and some of the beaches we go to are Shelley, Fairlight or Camp Cove. If we go to swim we go to Maroubra, Bronte or Tamarama.

We have just started going for night dives which is exciting..... except for when Dad's torch ran out of battery so I was in charge of navigation.

When we come out at night and swim on our back to the shore while we look back at the Sydney skyline lit up, it's very beautiful. I haven't done a drawing of that yet, but here are some of my night pictures.

The thing I like most seeing when we dive are the cuttlefish, Dad says they're common, but I think they're exotic!

- Moofus

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