AURA Travels by Colour - Green & Blue

Jenny Butler
Jenny Butler
8th of February 2011

They say "blue and green should never be seen" but today's Guest Blog proves this wrong! Tracie of AURA features some of the wonderful blue and green sights that she came across while traveling through Europe with her marketing manager Jaine. 2 lovely ladies featuring 2 great colours = a terrific Tuesday. Enjoy! - Jenny x

Painted building in Copenhagen

Today it’s Greens and Blues – Day 2 with 2 of my favourite colours.

Blue is a rather new favourite to me, I must say that I’ve never really been a blue person (athough I am surrounded by blue admirers in the office!), but as blue is such a soothing and calming colour I am starting to warm to it, especially after our visit to “Mary’s” city in Denmark. My new blue is what I am calling “Danish Blue” of course, and all shades of teal and peacock, to soft cloud blue and sea glass.

Green is my colour, my home is an ode to different shades of green and natural tones, I find tones of olive, bottle and soft khakis so easy to live with and mix in with neutrals - plus the odd splash of citrus!

It’s all very green in London! At first glance, this car (top left) looked old and battered, however if you can see the “antique” telephone cord coming from the back of it you’ll note that it’s actually an electric car. It was plugged in to a recharging device on the footpath – very green indeed!

Whilst the sky was grey and snow littered the streets, there was nothing blue about our mood whilst in Copenhagen. Gorgeous painted buildings, fabulous coloured furniture and bicycles galore. This was our first trip to the stunning city, it wasn’t long enough and I am sure we will be back!

At the Copenhagen Building, shades of Citrus seemed to be all around us - we saw plenty of examples in both fashion and homewares. Jaine particularly loved this turquoise chair but couldn’t squeeze it into her bag :( (Yes she is one of those blue admirers I was telling you about!)

Green is everywhere from whimsical advertising (loved this shot at left - and had a desire to buy very cool gumboots on trip!) - to inspired retail displays. The fabulous visual merchandisers that create these displays are to be applauded, some of these are fit to be named art installations - bravo.

-Tracie x

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