Paul Barbera finds Where They Create – Confetti System

Jenny Butler
Jenny Butler
28th of January 2011

We end this week's Guest Blog with a visit to the Confetti System studio! Having seen their gorgeous products at Third Drawer Down, it is a real treat to see Paul's photographs of them working in their space for Where They Create. Thank you Paul for a delightful week - I can't wait to buy your book later this year! - Jenny x

Once Frame magazine had decided to publish Where They Create as a book, I brainstormed with Alex Onderwater, a friend who writes for Frame, to see what studios we could approach to include in the book. Over three months I travelled to London, New York, Miami, Los Angeles and Stockholm to document more spaces.

I went into overdrive once I knew that my book was becoming a reality and I was encouraged by the fact that some great places said yes to being included in the book and website, amongst them, Wallpaper, ACNE, Clive Wilkinson, Opening Ceremony and Jeremiah Goodman. I have now made the final selection with Frame and there will be 32 stories in the book.

One of them is Confetti System. They were recommended to me by another studio, which is often one of the ways that I find new places to shoot. Confetti System is a two-person design team who transform everyday objects like tissue paper and cardboard into hand-crafted installation pieces. Based in New York, their clients are drawn from the fashion and music industry. They were a lot of fun to shoot and I loved their energy and it was obvious that they loved what they do.

Where They Create is a tribute to "following your bliss" to quote Joseph Campbell. Although it feels that a lot has happened in a short time, I have in fact been searching for many years now for a way to merge my skills and interests, while refining my visual communication.

This project along with " " (something which is slightly different) are really just the beginning for me...there are many other ideas/projects to follow..

Thanks to all those who have supported the work online. I hope you like the book (out later in the year). There will be studios that have not been put onto my website, and the ones that you know are all re-edited with interviews...for more insights!!

Thanks again for reading

- Paul Barbera

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