5 Colours in 5 Days with Kate Banazi - Red

Jenny Butler
Jenny Butler
11th of January 2011

Today Kate brings us another collection of images and delights in this colourful series. Along with the downloadable wallpaper freebie, make sure you leave a comment on any of this week's Guest Blog posts to go in the draw to win one of the original prints! -Jenny x

This is today's FREE DOWNLOADABLE DESKTOP WALLPAPER, custom printed by Kate especially for us! Visit HERE to download! There will be a different desktop wallpaper everyday this week. Check out the video below on how it all came together.
RED from Kate Banazi on Vimeo.

Red, a hugely symbolic colour across different cultures loaded with symbolic meanings.

In India, red is holy, it is a symbol of purity and ritual. Wedding saris are red. In contrast, Western societies see red as a sign of power, danger, sex. Maybe that's really why wedding saris are red. My Indian Nanna told me not to wear a wedding sari when I got married, but that was probably because she thought I'd run off with her jewellery.

Plus, my sister's called Ruby. Red rocks.

Tonight we'll be having Tandoori chicken on the barbeque and then summer pudding. Alistair and Milan are cooking... triple win!

Sign from Third Drawer Down, which has become my favourite shop for gifts, which people actually enjoy receiving class stuff and don't wish to exchange for credit notes (You know who you are).

This weeks red inks. They look rather berry like, the darkest one I had to stop myself from dipping my fingers in it looked like raspberry puree.

Handmade box from Zakee for my 21st birthday, complete with a Ganesh statue from my Dad and two smurfs which were a wedding present for Al and I from our friend Craig.

Milan a couple of years ago conquering the drop-in. There's a couple of photos of blood soon after, but I'll spare you.

A trip to Canberra, Evans is one of my family names.

Sydney, Young St From our roof NYE 2010 I sent Alistair out to take pics of 'red' and this is what happened. Powerhouse museum. Via Julian. The first time I clocked it I thought it was a picture of my mother, freaky. Under the city The mighty Heath Killen Screenprint test sheet Screenprint by Karl Maier Cushion by Camilla Stirling The best hat by Flora McLean Via Sandi Vincent I know its more orange, but this is a wish list dress by Jonathan Saunders Around the corner I got this beautiful book from my friend Amy and this is just one of the incredible pages in it. You may see more later in the week, but I'm not sure if I'm quite ready for sharing. Issey Miyake 'Pleats Please' photographed by Francois Giacobetti. - Kate

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