New guest blogger - Evie from Handmade Romance!

Lucy Feagins
Lucy Feagins
13th of December 2010
Intricately detailed Domestic World wallpaper by Melbourne artist Dylan Martorell, as blogged by Evie from Handmade Romance on the Guest Blog today!

Now I KNOW I am always carrying on about all the amazing people we've been been having over on the Guest Blog... but I promise you are really and TRULY in for a treat this week!   The very lovely Evie from Handmade Romance has been so busy lining up a full week of posts on the theme of 'Illustration in Design'.  It is so well-researched and informative - and full of such seriously beautiful design work you will be amazed!  Evie has covered everything from wallpapers to packaging design, homewares and fashion!  I am SUPER impressed.

It's no surprise Evie knows what she is talking about - by day she's a designer at Bloom Cosmetics, where she is responsible for much of their beautiful packaging and graphic work, and after hours she's usually busy crafting up a storm - making the most gorgeous hand painted and knitted goodies which she sells on Etsy and at various craft markets around town.  This is one very versatile creative lady!

Jenny and I are super excited to host Evie's wonderful posts all week... do make sure you pop in to the Guest Blog during the week and see what she has to share!  Also don't forget to bookmark Evie's own gorgeous little blog - Handmade Romance!

Gorgeous images from Evie's first post today!  Random Geometry, by Nama Rococo, top left. Super fun, Colour in Wallpaper by Jon Burgerman.  Another from Nama Rococo, French Dot, bottom left. And London based, nature lover Camilla Meijer created the bottom right, Granny Flower wallpaper.
A sneak look at one of Evie's posts for later in the week!  This is packaging design for Clippers Tea by Big Fish. 'Mash Design created the lovely Mollydooker wine labels, you may be familiar with these but they have also illustrated the decorative, Velvet Glove label for the wineries flagship wine' says Evie!

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