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Paula Mills of Sweet William

Lucy Feagins
Lucy Feagins
2nd of November 2010

The Balwyn home of illustrator Paula Mills and family (painting top left by Paula)

Living room… pretty in PINK!

Love the union jack and trinkets on the mantle… and how about those gorgeous vintage chairs with floral upholstery!?

More pretty details

This is the home of Melbourne artist and illustrator Paula Mills, husband Pete and their 3 daughters – Lia, Rosie and Liberty, and Snowball the rabbit :)  Paula and family have been here only about 8 months, but as you can see Paula has already put her distinctive stamp on the place!  I can just imagine curling up on the PINK couch, nursing a cup of sweet tea in a delicate little teacup, with a cupcake or macaroon or some other sweet treat to nibble on…  it is all just so PRETTY!

It is especially inspiring to see just how creative you can be, even in a rental property! Paula has made her house a home by displaying her artworks and bits and bobs she has collected over the years from travels, garage sales, and from op shops… ‘it’s these things, more than the bricks and mortar, that remind us of who we are and where we have come from’ says Pete.  This sense of identity is especially important as the family have have had 2 huge moves in the past 6 years – from England to South Africa and now Australia!

Paula’s favourite space is her study – her place of inspiration and refuge.  It is chock full of prints, patterns, bits of fabric, icons and quirky figurines to inspire her for the artwork she does for her online store – Sweet William.  Paula somehow juggles the Sweet William online store with regular craft markets, study at the VCA, freelance illustration, as well as the demands of being Mum to 3 gorgeous girls… it’s no wonder she feels very grateful to be able to work from home!

Huge thanks to Paula and Pete for sharing their beautiful home with us!  Do pop over to see Sweet William on Etsy and Madeit.  Paula also has two very sweet blogs worth visiting – one for her illustration, and one for Sweet William.   Jeez.   TWO blogs!?   Now that’s exhausting!


Paula’s study

More details from Paula’s study… Love the Sweet William print top left, available here!

Kitchen details – lots of collected vintage finds


More details and more Sweet William prints!

Pretty peonies and Paula’s beautiful vintage tin collection!

Paula’a youngest daughter’s bedroom, and another Sweet William print

Master bedroom and more vintage details… I love that teacup!

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