Lucy’s Redesign Roundup – Textiles & Paper

Jenny Butler
Jenny Butler
20th of October 2010
One of the highlights of this week so far is getting to know more about the people behind so many of those "why didn't I think of that?!" moments - and today's redesign roundup from Lucy King is full of them!  - Jenny x
Maiike quilts and cushions - if it's possible, these are even more beautiful in real life!
Today I’m featuring some of my favourite recycled products resurrected from textiles and paper. Gaye Abandon/ Body Parts – Armies & Necklace Scarves’ I think these arm warmers and necklace scarves are super cute – and I own one of each myself! The Tubeway Armies are actually made from recycled wool sweaters cut up and felted before being refashioned into arm warmers. The Necklace Scarves are then cut from any left-over sweater pieces and patch worked together in endless colour combinations.

Penelope Durston - Skirts, jackets, cushions and more!

Ahh, the humble tourist tea towel. Penelope Durston has transformed this practical kitchen product into a collection of charming re-fashioned products. Cushions, peg bags, quilted jackets, shopper bags and gorgeous skirts are brought to life from these unwanted tourist mementoes. I’m surprised there are any vintage tea towels left in Melbourne!!

Maiike – cushions and quilts

Aren’t these cushions and quilts from Maiike just absolutely gorgeous. Created from recycled knitwear, the second-hand knits are cut, felted and hand finished into these beautiful and individual tactile cushions and quits. I love that the original knitted details are preserved – and I’m beginning to wish I didn’t throw away my old knitted jumpers!

Each Peach – tea towel wall hanging

More vintage tea towels – can you believe it?! Such a versatile unassuming product to most people..... this time the outmoded linens have been collaged together to form this oversized mélange style wall hanging at Each Peach cafe in East Brunswick. Hand made by the cafe owner’s mum it has such a quirky homely appeal. Each Peach, 506 Lygon Street, Brunswick East, Victoria.

Emma Barnes – recycled book artwork

Sadly for me these fabulous recycled paper collage artworks by Emma Barnes have all sold – otherwise I would have snapped a few up myself! Each artwork is made from recycled pages of old Penguin books, cut and shaped into teapots, jugs, cups and saucers. The juxtaposition of simple shapes, contrast of font sizes, and the trademark orange Penguin colour is inspired. Love, love love!

Studio Sam - Book dust jacket cards

Not content with just repurposing the outer hard covers and inner pages of books (see Studio Sam’s Bookscreens and Book Block Tables from Tuesdays post), Studio Sam also creates these cute gift cards utilising the original dust jackets left over from the construction of her Bookscreens! A few expired books = designer bookscreens, tables and gift cards. Brilliant!

Vintage Prints – Children’s Prints & Envelopes

Vintage Prints is a recent discovery and as an admirer and collector of old children’s books for their distinctive hand-drawn illustrations, I instantly fell in love with Vintage Prints range. The envelopes and prints are resurrected from pages of pre-loved children’s books, old atlases, music books and ‘learn to type’ books from the 1960’s. I’m particularly drawn to the children’s illustrations, and I’ve found myself thinking what a great idea – why didn’t I think of this?!! See you tomorrow, - Lucy x

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