Michelle's Paris Diary - Flea Market finds!

Lucy Feagins
Lucy Feagins
19th of August 2010
The Brilliant Paris Flea markets! (Marche Aux Puces St-Ouen)
Marche Aux Puces St-Ouen
After Yesterday's stunning high-end shopping highlights... today Michelle takes us through a totally different Paris shopping experience - the Clignancourt flea markets! Oh my GOD I have to get there ASAP - before they sell out of original Eames chairs!  - Lucy x The Marche Aux Puces St-Ouen (Clignancourt) is Europe's largest flea market. More a 'village' of permanent stores than a market with makeshift stalls, I could have happily spent many days wandering up and down the winding lanes. Whatever your collecting passion, I can guarantee you will find someone selling it.  Many someones most likely. The market is divided into specialty areas such as antique furniture, vintage clothing, antique jewellery, and collectibles, so be sure to grab a map at the entrance. Trust me, you will be so busy looking that you will lose yourself. And your friends. The best bit for me was the Marche Vernaison, full of small dealers selling bric-a-brac, industrial furniture and design, military collectibles, old signs and much much more (including Poster Paul). Oh if only I could have fit a few Eames rockers, a Louis Vuitton trunk and a pendant light into my suitcase. Baggage weight limits, you are not my friend. - Merci beaucoup Michelle!  Pop back to the guest blog tomorrow for the final installment of Michelle's Paris Diary.. oohhh I will be sad to see her go!
Vintage Louis Vuitton trunks!
Agghh original Eames chairsss... in perfect condition... Why are there so few of you in Melbourne?!

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