Michelle's Paris Diary continues.... Day 3 - SHOPPING!

Lucy Feagins
Lucy Feagins
18th of August 2010
Agghh the cuteness is killing me!  Michelle strikes a pose outside the very gorgeous Merci! (where can I get me one of those ace umbrellas?)
Michelle is back today with a very important component of her Paris travel diary - SHOPPING!  I could not be more jealous!  Aggh it is all so beautiful! - Lucy x One of the things lovely Lucy said to me before I left was 'you HAVE to go to Colette and Merci'. So on one of our only non-poster-searching days, I told Le Boss that we had research to do 'for Lucy' and off we set. Merci was beautiful. Think high end Country Road runs away to live in rural France. Beautifully set out, in a big airy loft space with hidden staircases and little rooms perfect for browsing. A library, a garden, a cafe and a custom furniture seller all share the space with contemporary, vintage and designer fashion. Equally gorgeous and (sadly) unaffordable, when I am Euro rich, Merci will be the first stop on my list.
Michelle's pics of Merci!
These additional stunning pics by Karen Mordechai of Sunday Suppers (excellent UK blog!)
Colette is pretty much the complete opposite of Merci. Another concept store, it screams edgy, modern and slick. The music is loud, the staff are uber-beautiful and the product displayed as if a modern art museum. I managed to sneak in one or two photos before a guy I think may have been Kanye West told me off, but the fit-out truly is great. As is the idea, all the latest must-have items from around the globe. Just a pity about all the crowds.
Whoops poor Michelle got in trouble for taking pics at Colette.  Sorry M!  I cant help but feel responsible! :) Bottom pic here borrowed from Limited Hype.
Other than the 'Lucy-List', we shopped at Galeries LaFayette, perfect for presents and anything else you could ever need (under a stunning stained-glass dome), and Fauchon for delicious macaroons.
Galerie Lafayette
Michelle samples perfect macaroons at Fauchon!
Our one big off the beaten track find was the wine emporium LeGrand Filles & Fils. Accessed via the beautiful arcade Galerie Vivienne, this place had Le Boss drooling. Wine, wine accessories, cheese, charcuterie, more wine, preserves, sweets and yep, more wine again, this store cum bistro was a truly lovely place to spend a chilly and wet Parisian afternoon.
Galerie Vivienne
LeGrand Filles & Fils
Stephan browses the wine cellar at LeGrand Filles & Fils

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