Hand Drawn Design with Handmade Romance - Packaging

Jenny Butler
Jenny Butler
16th of December 2010

I have to admit that I am someone who is easily influenced by pretty packaging. I giggle and squeal with delight if something I've ordered online comes beautifully packaged, and today's guest blog by Evie of Handmade Romance has so much beautiful packaging it feels like Christmas already! - Jenny x

Today I thought I'd show you some of my favourite packaging pieces featuring hand illustrated artwork. In my role as a graphic designer I get to work on a lot of packaging and have been very lucky to have worked with so many talented people including the lovely ladies at Ortolan. One of my favourite hand drawn images created by them is a sweet pair of hands on the Shea Butter Hand Cream from the Bloom skincare range. So cute!

Bloom's Shea Butter Hand Cream illustrated by Kat Macleod from OrtolanLantana Café identity also by Ortolan! This Water range uses touches of hand drawn illustrations, designed by Pearlfisher.

London illustrator Anke Weckman's pretty character drawings and patterns adorn the Too Cool For School range of cosmetics and accessories.

Alice Pattullo illustrations are just fabulous, for more of her work head here. Limited Edition Danny v. 1 toy by Jon Knox in an original hand drawn box!

Divine! Eva Monleón of Misako Mimoko hand painted these original backing cards for hand made necklaces in her shop. Eva is also the creator of some very imaginative soft characters.

Skylark wine label decorated with beautiful bird in flight illustrations by London illustrator VonStella McCartney's Sheer perfume bottle and box from a couple of years ago is still one of my favs.

Make mine a soy please if the packaging contains illustrations this charming. Soymilk didn't always look this pretty, for a before and after packaging shot click here. Illustrations by Ben Javens. Jamie Oliver's food range is full of hand drawn goodness, the little sea salt ship is particularly adorable, another great design by Pearlfisher.

No point being shy, my time here is nearly up! Profile Peep and Bearded Bloke brooches – by me – are presented on their own hand drawn backing cards. Currently in stock at both Mandrake & Willow and Craft Victoria.

Simple drawn lines decorate Topshop cosmetics, the more I see these the more I like them!  Sarah Thorne was behind their creation.

Clippers Tea by Big FishMash Design created the lovely Mollydooker wine labels, you may be familiar with these but they have also illustrated the decorative, Velvet Glove label for the wineries flagship wine.

I know they say it's what's inside that counts, and while I believe this to be true I would be lying if I said I'd never been swayed by a pretty package!

Again I'm following along on Handmade Romance, this time with a little DIY packaging you could try just in time for your Christmas gifts.

x Till tomorrow


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