
Pete & Jessie

Lucy Feagins
Lucy Feagins
1st of September 2010
Pete's workspace, where he makes his intricate carved jewellery... 'If only it was always this clean' he says :)
Pete's stunning carved jewellery - the ship is ebony and ivory from the piano (see shots below), with silver.  Le nature morte (still life) is a dandelion plant in reclaimed ivory (pre 60's off-cuts).  Pete's  jewellery is all made by hand using very fine saws and files, and he is also teaching himself how to work with silver.  'It is sad to pull apart a piano but it gives the ebony and ivory a second life which it much deserves!... such amazing materials to work with.' says Pete!
Wideshot of living room... love that light!
Love these vibrant colours on the dining table - bring on the springtime!
The hospital surgery light is an Ebay purchase (Pete says it cost more in freight from QLD than it did to buy!). The small print above piano is by Hertha Kluge-Pott, the piano Pete found outside an old church down the road.... he dragged it up the street to the house! It's now missing most of its keys which have been made into Pete's carefully crafted jewellery (seen above).  Vase on table is a 'Rathjen' from the 60's.
Pete's 'crazed collection' displayed in his rustic pigeon-hole unit.

This extremely gorgeous home in Melbourne's Fairfield belongs to the spunkiest couple I know - Peter Trott & Jessie Bridgfoot.  They are seriously goodlooking people. Which is not entirely relevant, I realise, but I don't know - maybe there is a case for some correlation between spunky people and a seriously spunky home?

Pete is a film industry guy and we've worked together a  bunch of times... I know I say this about everyone, but he is just truly the loveliest fella, and is also a super talented designer own right - he creates stunning intricate carved jewellery, some of which you see here.  Amazing stuff!  Pete is also a self-taught taxidermist, which I guess is slightly less appealing.  But no less impressive!

Pete has always loved industrial and well-used items ('anything that looks like it has a history'), so nearly anything can make its way into the house - he is always salvaging hidden treasures and giving them a new lease on life!  Jess works in an art gallery and would have a more minimal look if she could, so is constantly de-cluttering!

Pete has lived in this amazing place for almost 3 years, and Jess moved in a year ago.  The pair share the lower level of a large brick warehouse - someone else lives upstairs... (but Pete and Jess get the garden!).  It's a unique set-up, and this is a home I am sure will always hold a very special place for these two, despite a few interesting quirks - like having a roller door in your loungeroom! (The white screen behind the work desk was put in just to stop the noise and cold coming through...!)

Pete and Jess love having such a large, light-filled space to live in... 'We get beautiful winter sun through the house and get to open up the house to the garden in the summer.'   They also really love living in Fairfield, 'it's got some amazing food shops and the people are great' says Pete  (Apparently, Cardamones deli is a must!).

Hmmm... I am beginning to think there are more hidden gems to discover in Fairfield!  Seems like a bit of a gold mine for quirky, creative Australian Homes....

HUGE thanks to Pete and Jess for sharing their lovenest! OMG they are going to kill me for saying that.  Sorry dudes! x

Dear readers, please forgive me for including the rest of the pics of Pete & Jess's place as a photo gallery below!  YES you have to click a thumbnail to see it full-size... then you can easily scroll through... SORRY I know it's not everyone's cup of tea but you seriously have no idea the struggles I am having with bandwidth at the moment!  Forgive me! x [gallery columns="4" orderby="title"]

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