This week we welcome Carryology to the Guest Blog!! The crew at Carryology are experts on all things that can be carried; wallets, handbags, luggage, babies (!!), technology – the list goes on and on! This week they’ll be sharing some of their brilliant tips to help us carry better – starting today with tips on slimming down your wallet. – Jenny x
George Costanza has done more to illustrate the suckage of bulging pockets than any other individual. An exploding wallet or purse shows a life out of balance; dozens of browning receipts, library cards from when libraries were useful, and photos from the pre-digital age. If you can think of your wallet/purse as just those vitals that you need to keep with you every day, it’s probably time to thin it out and get some order.
Tip 1: Get your main cards forwards for quick access, and stick the rest together in a stash spot (they’ll take up less space that way).
Tip 2: You can record membership and loyalty numbers in your phone address book, or even take a photo of these non-magnetic cards and keep them in a photo album on your phone (or Evernote). The fewer cards in your wallet, the smaller the bulge.
Tip 3: You only need a few coins on your person, and they can usually live in your pocket, or in the coin pocket of your jeans. In a wallet, coins bulge uncontrollably and break cards. Keep your shop cards in a separate small purse in your bag for just those infrequent times you actually need them.
And the result of all this slimming? The shot at the top of the post shows two wallets with exactly the same number of cards and notes. If you better organise, you can change that ugly pocket bulge into a slim and streamlined slip of just your vitals.
Oh, and if you’re after more details, Bellroy has a new interactive chart that’s well worth a look here.
– Carryology x