New Guest Blog - The School with Megan Morton

Lucy Feagins
Lucy Feagins
18th of March 2012

This week super stylist Megan Morton joins us on the Guest Blog, with a week of styling lessons from the guru herself!

I am sure you all recall my dear pal Megan Morton, Sydney-based interiors stylist and inspired creative thinker.  Alongside her work styling some of the most beautiful houses and editorial spreads in the best Australian and international mags, Megan has recently launched a BRILLIANT new project.

The School is Megan's inspired new venture, hosted in her brand new studio space, which shares the same location as the fab new Koskela showroom in Rosebery, Sydney (also alongside Kitchen by Mike).  Here, Megan and her team will host an ongoing series of classes, workshops and events for both children and adults... where  the most talented local creatives will share their skills, alongside masterclasses in styling from Megan herself.

SERIOUSLY awesome.

To kick off the creative community spirit, Megan is joining us all this week on the Guest Blog, with 5 top styling tips from the guru herself!  Each day Megan will share a new lesson - from personalising your space, to dressing a bed, and using colour to optimal effect in your home.

The School launches very very very soon, and you should totally register here to keep in the loop with all the wonderful events they have in the pipeline!  You can also follow Megan on her relatively new Facebook page!  (Possibly the funniest FB page I've ever visited - I think MM has finally found her preferred social networking medium!)

AND because no one tells a story better than MM herself... we thought we'd let her do her own intro - over to you MM! -

My name is Megan. I am a stylist. and I have written a book on interiors, it's called Homelove, and I have just filed Homelove's companion book. Phew. I have no issues sharing with you everything I know. If you asked me something, I would tell you. In fact on the Formspring 'ask me anything' thingy I only stopped it because I lost my book full of passwords. I can't go back on Formspring now because there are hundreds of questions waiting... so on second thoughts, maybe only ask me anything on FB or email. Try me.

My favourite upholsterer? How I get my dark floors so rich and handsome without a tinge of chestnut or noir?   Best distance your TV should be from your lounge for optimal viewing? If you asked me I would tell you.

You see, the more you share, the more comes your way, and my whole working life has been based on this principle. Sharing it all around means there is more for everyone. And at the end of the day, how I will approach / do / use something will be completely different to another person anyway.

Sharing skills is contagious. This is why at my new studio in Rosebery, I have set up The School.

Firstly almost EVERYONE in my large Catholic family are teachers. I missed the qualification part but I feel teaching might be in my bones, or sharing at least. So The School is a place where the best of the best and the most interesting of the interesting and the wisest of the wise and the brightest of the brights will come and teach YOU everything they know. (Think Rachel Castle, yes THAT Rachel Castle, Tamara Maynes, Beattie Lanser, Georgia Parry...).

I will also hold a series of Styling Masterclasses, and there will be incredible crafternoons in our studio setting. The School is all about access to specialists, to re-ignite that light inside that wants to make things and create. It's for using your hands - in line with your heart. We teach both big and little kids, because we know how powerful it is to place creative thought-starters and firecrackers with young minds, as well as re-spark older ones.

So this week, while my team put the pencils in the pencil pots over at The School, our web team perfect our online bookings calendar, and I get the studio looking its most honey-mooned and new, I am joining you Design-Filers on the Guest Blog, sharing lessons I have learned.  Some the hard way. Some the fast way. And others the only way a good lesson is learnt - the sheer hard yards.

Each day this week we'll cover a different topic.  If there is anything you want to know, ask away.  And if I don't know the answer, I am sure someone out there will.  I love discussion. I love meeting new people with new thoughts. I know all too well that there are many ways to do the one thing.

So today, we will start with the place closest to my heart, my own home... please do pop by and meet me over on the Guest Blog!

- Megan x

A few behind the scenes shots of Megan at work in her new studio space at Rosebery - the home of The School, as well as The Propery. Top right - Sophie The, MM's assistant who she says 'turns up to work telapathically in the same colour as the set. I mean, is she not a walking walking version of the products we are shooting?'.  Bottom left - 'Mike and I clearly called one another and said, 'I am going to wear blue top and blue jeans today, so you should too'. But I forgot the knee pads, which he impressively told me he bought from Aldi!'.  Bottom right - a detail of The Wall at MM's studio where the new space is explained.

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