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Making with makedo - Masterful Simplicity

Jenny Butler
Jenny Butler
18th of July 2011
Today we meet one of makedo's Master Makers, Tanaka Satoshi of Soup Studio. Tanaka has created a step by step tutorial for his amazing 'wind ball' which is a huge amount of FUN! Check out the makedo blog for more projects by their Master Makers. - Jenny x

A small tribe of creatives from across the globe have popped up and turned making with makedo into a kind of art form. We call these people makedo Master Makers.

One of the most inspiring and most prolific is from Japan and goes by the name of Tanaka Satoshi of Soup Studio.

A Master Maker of gigantic magnitude, Satoshi has paved the way with design objects curated from a reclaimed environment. He’s shown us a thing or two about how to make with makedo and the beautiful simplicity of his creations are revered here at makedo Headquarters.

Today we want to share with you how to create his beautiful ‘wind ball’ using a step-by-step guide provided by the man himself.

What you need?

Cardboard sheet makedo Freeplay Kit

Step 1: Cut out 30 squares that are all the same size. The size is up to you, with the minimum width at 15 cm.

use the hinge as a guide of where the hole needs to be

then use the end of the safe-saw to punch the hole

Step 2: Punch a hole in every corner of every square using the makedo hinge to guide your position and the safe-saw to punch a neat hole.

Step 3: Connect five squares in a pentagram shape using the makedo pins and clips.

Step 4: Connect sets of five extending from the edges of the first pentagram always using adjacent squares to complete the shape.

Step 5: Close off the top of the sphere.

Step 6: Play!

Each week makedo publishes creations from makers across the world on our blog.

- makedo x

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