Inspired Craft for Kids with Anna-Wili Highfield - Wings!

Jenny Butler
Jenny Butler
21st of February 2011

Anna-Wili Highfield and sweet Matilda are with us again today for this special week on the Guest Blog. Today we see how a beautiful set (or two!) of handmade butterfly wings can really make a little ones day - from making to play! - Jenny x

Butterfly Paint Effect, Butterfly Wings.

These are great fun to make with your little friends!

Have a look at a butterflies shape. Draw onto cardboard. Cut out. Punch holes with a pencil for elastic to go through later. Splodge paint liberally in desired colours on one or both wings.

Fold. Squash. Open. Awww!

Pull elastic through holes. Belt around the waste. Go flying.

We'll be horsing around tomorrow, see you then.

- A.W

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