Inspired Craft for Kids with Anna-Wili Highfield - Friends on Friday

Jenny Butler
Jenny Butler
24th of February 2011

Today we must say farewell and a very big thank you to the beautiful Anna-Wili Highfield and her daughter Matilda after a fantastic week on the Guest Blog.  It's been a delightful week filled with clever child-friendly crafts and activities - thanks again Anna-Wili! - Jenny x

These are some of the wonderful things that my friends have made with, or for children.

Musician Holly Throsby is our lovely friend who is a favourite with a lot of our children too. She recently made the most beautiful kids album ‘See’.

Clever, crafty Hayley West made the props for her album cover. My Fish and Kookaburra hats were used too.

Hayley West and her children Maple & Augie’s fine work.

Hayley’s creations can be seen here.

My husband Simon Cavanough made this inflatable umbrella skin sculpture years ago. For our daughter’s 4th birthday party, he modified it, so that the kids could venture inside a colourful world.

He has a props and special effects company Macgyver Models.

Alex Elliott-Howery made this eternal Christmas tree with Maeve and Max. Alex’s mum Liz Elliot made those incredible Christmas stockings for the family when Alex was small. I love how they are sort of period themed.

Look out for Alex’s delicious ‘Neighbourhood Preserves’- coming soon. They are really good.

Mishka Borowski started making amazing cakes for her own children’s parties. Then we all wanted one. She now takes orders.

Tania Castaing and Nick Strike’s wonderful doll, brooches and lizard that they have made with their daughter Jezmina. The Blue Tongue Lizard has a syringe under it’s belly to pump air to the inflatable tongue. Brilliant!

Thank you to the Design Files, for the invitation & the fun.

It was great to document the craft Matilda and I make. At times she bucked against my directions, crying 'I will do it in my own language'. I was humbled by her own interpretation of the most powerful artistic retort.  But you know, sometimes you need to work as a team, and we did quite well.

Thank you so very much to Xanthe Highfield for helping me to put this together.

Thanks to you for reading my posts.

Now I will go back to my birds.

- A.W

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