Marcela Restrepo is a super talented Sydney-based illustrator. She's worked for an impressive list of clients on some seriously brilliant projects - such as the Sydney Festival 2011 - AND she's also one of only two Sydney-based illustrators who have contributed to The Design Files Neighbourhood Calendar! Her Darlinghurst Illustration is just SO so so gorgeous... she has perfectly captured the prettyiness and village feel of this stunning Sydney neighbourhood - makes me want to pack my bags for Sydney mini-break!
Marcela is originally from Colombia South America, and when responding to my request for an interview, was originally a little self conscious about her written English. But I LOVE it...! I can almost hear Marcela's South American accent in her written words...! I think my favourite is where she says "I suppose that mostly I try to be grateful and find beauty on what surrounds me. However I do feel lost many times and just have to wait for inspiration to come to me. And I do complain quite a bit." OH the cuteness. I cannot imagine Marcela complaining about anything...!
Amazingly, Marcela discovered illustration by chance! She’s a graphic designer by trade, but after years of working in graphic and web design, she was looking for a change. It was then she met illustrator Christopher Nielsen, and after seeing her drawings he pointed her to Jeremy Wortsman from Jacky Winter. Marcela became part of the Jacky Winter group and the rest is history!
Marcela draws particularly amazing buildings and food! Marcela says the main ingredient in her drawings is observations of everyday life. "I enjoy watching people and guessing their lives..." she says. Well, that's when she's not performing one of her 'private extravagant dance choreographies' at home to break up long stints at the computer screen!
Do check out Marcela's website, super cute blog and online shop, where you can purchase prints of her work, and her amazing folio on the Jacky Winter website!
Huge thanks to Marcela for her time with this interview and also for her beautiful work on the Neighbourhood Calendar! She's off to New Zealand tomorrow for a well-earned break... have a fabulous time Marcela!
Do you have a favourite illustration from your back catalogue?
I don’t have just one favourite. Mostly I have some I don’t like as much as the rest but I try to keep peace!
Can you give us a little insight into your creative process? What favourite materials and tools do you use?
I start drawing when I have a clear idea of what I want. I basically sketch in my head and then start drawing seriously. Sometimes ideas change in the process of drawing but it’s always for the better! For editorial or publishing jobs I work on some ideas after reading the article/brief. I make roughs of different ways of showing the message and then develop the one chosen by the client.
I usually draw with pencil on paper I use pencils all the way from HB to 7B but usually its 2B or 3B. Then I work on some textures with watercolours, acrylics or any other resource I have in hand to then put it all together in the computer adding more colour. I use the Wacom for that.
I have learned to work in layers for commissions as it makes it easier to make changes. I may draw separate elements and put them together on the computer where I can decide the composition with more control, moving things around until I feel it works well.
I also like to work every now and then in canvas or wood panels but not much for assignments or commercial work.
What does a typical day at work involve for you? I wake up and get ready. I start working around 8:30, checking email. As I am based in Australia I may wake up to some news and client responds when I’m working for other countries. I have a quick look at the Australian and Colombian papers on the internet. Also I listen to opinion radio programs while I work. Since I don’t even have to go to work, I go to yoga a couple of days a week. That is what resets me to come back to the desk and the bad posture. I work around all day but get often distracted on the browser. I stand up a lot to walk around, check out the fridge and some times with some music on, I perform one of my private extravagant dance choreographies from salsa all the way to Punk Rock. By then the day is gone and it is time for Daniel to come home and cook me some nice dinner!I believe the main ingredient in my drawings is the everyday life.
I enjoy watching people and guessing their lives. I like those European and Latin American movies about normal people. Love music/performances like Laurie Anderson’s; books, I like Camus, Kafka, Sartre, Beavoir, Saramago, the Latin Americans including Colombian García Marquez of course. That one is good if I am homesick.
I love trees and nature, I loved reading through the animal encyclopedia when I was a kid. I love medical things. My father has a veterinary degree and also taught the pharmacology course at Medicine school. I grew up hearing all this technical names for diseases and medicines; also amongst glass syringes in metallic boxes.
Traveling is great for fresh ideas but I also find my tropical country Colombia and Sydney very inspiring. I love Latin American popular urban graphics. I have some friends populardelujo that are always in the hunt for these and I follow them. I also love labels!
I suppose that mostly I try to be grateful and find beauty on what surrounds me. However I do feel lost many times and just have to wait for inspiration to come to me. And I do complain quite a bit.